Message handouts

Torah & The Apostolic Scriptures (Pastor Don Cole)

  1. Peter’s vision, part 1 — 06-19-2024
  2. The Great Debate In Jerusalem, part 2 — 06-27-2024
  3. The Great Debate In Jerusalem – Acts 15, continued, part 3– 07-15-2024
  4. Covenant of Circumcision or Pagan Requirements , part 4 — 07-27-2024
  5. Obedience to YHVH’s Word or Paganism, part 5– 08-10-2024
  6. Obedience to YHVH’s Word or Paganism, part 5b– 08-19-2024
  7. Is Colossians 2 about Food, Festivals, New Moon, and Sabbaths?, part 6 — 08-31-2024

Pastor Norman George

Pastor Jim Robeson