Are we impacting our culture?

tencommandments1Recently I heard some disturbing statistics.

  • Every 24 hours, Google generates a larger volume of information than the combined information from the dawn of time through the year 2003.
  • The second highest cause of death in the US for 10 to 24 year old is suicide.
  • 50% of American evangelicals between 18 and 29 years old lose their faith.
  • Of 1200 college professors surveyed, 22% had a negative view toward Islam – 53% had a negative view toward evangelicals!

“Many Christians and Christian leaders are concerned about the next generation of Christians,” says David Kinnaman, president of Barna Group. “And for good reason. There is certainly a well-documented trend of Millennials leaving church or turning away from their faith…”

Who is impacting our culture? Hollywood? Or Bible-believers?


Perhaps it is because of the professors. But I believe much of the responsibility lies on the shoulders of Believers. Do we act the same way in unexpected situations that we when we do when we’re in congregation or around other believers? Our everyday lives reflect our true hearts.


Four verses that help us guard our hearts:

  1. “For the mouth speaks out of that which fills the heart,” Matt 12:34b, NASB.
  2. “The heart is deceitful above all things, And desperately wicked; Who can know it?” Jer 17:9, NKJV
  3. “A good tree cannot bear bad fruit, and a bad tree cannot bear good fruit. 19 Every tree that does not bear good fruit is cut down and thrown into the fire. 20 Thus, by their fruit you will recognize them,” Matt 7:18-20, NIV.
  4. The strongest verse of all is Matthew 18:6:“ but whoever causes one of these little ones who believe in Me to stumble, it would be better for him to have a heavy millstone hung around his neck, and to be drowned in the depth of the sea..” Matt 18:6, ASV.

To better understand what our Lord is saying to us, let’s examine two analogies in this verse.

The first is a “heavy millstone”. Millstones, such as the one pictured here, weighed up to 3300 pounds! Imagine having that hung on your neck. The second analogy is “the depths of the sea.” Much of Yeshua’s ministry was in and around the Sea of Galilee. At its deepest, the Sea of Galilee is 141 feet.

Imagine this: someone younger in the faith sees you react in a non-godly manner to an expected situation. Our Lord tells us that we have caused them to stumble; and therefore,  it is better for us to have a 3300 pound rock hung on our neck and then that we’d be thrown into a 141 foot sea. What are the chances of survival? That is how strongly Yeshua admonishes that we walk upright before Him at all times, in all unexpected circumstances.

Let us be aware that we are being watched constantly – by our own children and grandchildren; by friends and neighbors; by random people on the street. We CAN impact our culture by following in His footsteps!



“Thank You, mighty God, that You have brought each of us to such a time as this. You have given us Your Word and surrounded us with others who help to model Your ways. We pray for our children, grandchildren, and neighbors. We ask that You turn our country to You. Help our country to stand fast with Your people and You Land. Bring Your sovereign peace to Jerusalem. In Your holy Name, we pray! amen.”

IMMEDIATE Prayer Requests:  

  1. Pray for Israel!
  2. Protection of the persecuted church.
  3. Sarah (Tracy’s friend): protection, reconciliation, forgiveness, love
  4. Nell (Tracy’s great aunt): peace
  5. Ministers (Dawn’s daughter and son in law): encouragement, wisdom, and direction.
  6. Eric [Connie’s and Vince’s son] & for Dawn’s family): transition to the changes in their lives will be an easy one – that this time will be a time that is filled with much love, peace, and the Lord’s presence.
  7. Chantell & Maggie (Les’a & Don’s daughter in law and sister in law): healing
  8. PJ: total body healing.
  9. John Evans: finances
  10. Jobs: Pamela, Norman G., PJ, Natan and his new military assignment.
  12. REVIVAL in Arizona
  13. FRIENDS: many of our friends are hurting physically and emotionally.
  14. FAMILIES & MARRIAGES: strong, healthy and Christ-centered; spiritual, mental, and emotional healing. God will bring families together. Spirit of division will cease. Family relationships healed! Family members who are far off will return and serve God.
  15. PRAYER FOR OUR SOLDIERS: spiritually, mentally, physically, and emotionally whole!
  16. Protection of believers all over the world.
  17. Encouragement for the heavy-hearted
  18. Paul: total restoration including walking.
  19. Dan & Sara (Art’s son and daughter in law): come together spiritually and emotionally – wisdom and favor for Art.
  20. Bevin (Les’a’s friend’s husband): physical and emotional healing.
  21. Jessica (Lori & Jim’s daughter): return to the God of her youth – the God of her parents.
  22. John: health and vibrancy

Read all He is doing through prayer!

  1. Eric arrived safely in AZ.
  2. Joan and Natan had a great trip back to NM.
  3. Connie came home from rehab!
  4. Joan’s surgery was successful! She received a fantastic report from her surgeon.
  5. Sally’s surgery was successful – she also received an excellent report!
  6. Maxine’s surgery was successful!
  7. God is exposing evil terror threats!
  8. Lori: new position!
  9. Travis (CFS webmaster): God answered his prayer!
  10. Miracles of orchestrating times & schedules This Week! Thank You, Lord!
  11. Les’a’s surgery was a success.
  12. Lori: doc asked is she were ‘healing woman’ because of how quickly our Lord is healing her.