Pursuing God

Don and I attended a conference where we were each one challenged. Are we doing the things God called us to do 5 years ago? Do we have that zeal which constantly drove us? Are we really running the “race of our lives” with passion?

The following illustration parallels many believers’ lives:

ctp-monkeysThere were 2 monkeys in a cage and bananas on top of the cage. Each time the monkeys climbed the pole to reach for the bananas, they were hit with a spray of water from a fire hose.

After some time, 2 additional monkeys were added to the cage. Each time a new monkey tried to climb the pole, the first generation monkeys pulled would pull them down. Though the bananas were within reach, they were never obtained because of circumstances.

Are we, as believers, allowing naysayers or circumstances to pull us off of the pole so we cannot reach God’s highest?

Paul Wilbur along with the premier Israeli vocalist (David D’Or) recently performed before hundreds of Israelis in the United States. Paul shared that he was humbled to have been invited. After the concert, a twice-survivor of the holocaust concentration death camp Auschwitz came up to Paul. This elderly man gently grabbed Paul by the cheeks and said ‘David was excellent, but you, you brought the Ruach (the Holy Spirit).’

I believe the Lord is asking each of us: are we pressing on that we might also bring His Ruach to those around us? Are we pursuing Him with all our hearts? Are we allowing circumstances to pull us down?

 Let your light so shine before men, that they may see your good works, and glorify your Father which is in heaven.,” Matt 5:16, KJV.



“You, holy Father, have given us another amazing week! Help us to bring Your Ruach to those around us – help us to rise above the mundane, the unexpected circumstances which so easily pull us off course. We bless You, our precious Saviour! Help us to surrender to You that we might bring Your Ruach, Your healing to those who are hurting! Help families come together as we celebrate Thanksgiving. Be with our soldiers; protect the persecuted church, and bring Your Shalom to Israel. In Your Holy Name, we pray.”

IMMEDIATE Prayer Requests:  

  1. Pray for Israel!
  2. Protection of the persecuted church.
  3. Pregnant daughter (Debbie in Houston): prayer that complications will absolve and that baby and mother will be healthy
  4. Family gatherings during Thanksgiving
  5. Ministers (Dawn’s daughter and son in law): encouragement, wisdom, and direction.
  6. Eric [Connie’s and Vince’s son] & for Dawn’s family): transition to the changes in their lives will be an easy one – that this time will be a time that is filled with much love, peace, and the Lord’s presence.
  7. Sarah (Tracy’s friend): protection, reconciliation, forgiveness, love
  8. Nell (Tracy’s great aunt): peace
  9. Chantell & Maggie (Les’a & Don’s daughter in law and sister in law): healing
  10. PJ: total body healing.
  11. John Evans: finances
  12. Jobs: Pamela, Norman G., PJ, Natan and his new military assignment.
  14. REVIVAL in Arizona
  15. FRIENDS: many of our friends are hurting physically and emotionally.
  16. FAMILIES & MARRIAGES: strong, healthy and Christ-centered; spiritual, mental, and emotional healing. God will bring families together. Spirit of division will cease. Family relationships healed! Family members who are far off will return and serve God.
  17. PRAYER FOR OUR SOLDIERS: spiritually, mentally, physically, and emotionally whole!
  18. Protection of believers all over the world.
  19. Encouragement for the heavy-hearted
  20. Paul: total restoration including walking.
  21. Dan & Sara (Art’s son and daughter in law): come together spiritually and emotionally – wisdom and favor for Art.
  22. Bevin (Les’a’s friend’s husband): physical and emotional healing.
  23. Jessica (Lori & Jim’s daughter): return to the God of her youth – the God of her parents.
  24. John: health and vibrancy

Read all He is doing through prayer!

  1. Eric arrived safely in AZ.
  2. Joan and Natan had a great trip back to NM.
  3. Connie came home from rehab!
  4. Joan’s surgery was successful! She received a fantastic report from her surgeon.
  5. Sally’s surgery was successful – she also received an excellent report!
  6. Maxine’s surgery was successful!
  7. God is exposing evil terror threats!
  8. Lori: new position!
  9. Travis (CFS webmaster): God answered his prayer!
  10. Miracles of orchestrating times & schedules This Week! Thank You, Lord!
  11. Les’a’s surgery was a success.

Lori: doc asked is she were ‘healing woman’ because of how quickly our Lord is healing her.