Chick-Fil-A Gives Woman Who Forgot Wallet a Free Meal Without Knowing Full Story

chick-fil-A free mealChick-fil-A frequently gets lambasted by liberals for being a bigoted restaurant because its owners oppose same-sex marriage.

Yet Chick-fil-A keeps proving this narrative to be false by partaking in unusual and selfless acts of kindness.

For instance, on Monday, when Carrie Chisholm pulled up to the cashier’s window at a Chick-fil-A in Asheville, N.C., she realized that she had forgotten her wallet.

Rather than turn her away, the server at the window turned around and asked manager Matthew Hampton if she could have a free meal. He quickly obliged.

“Just let her know that our meal was going to be on the house tonight and that we’d take care of that for her,” manager Matthew Hampton reportedly told the server.

It turns out that the woman, Carrie Chisholm, had just returned from the hospital with her son, Hughes, who has a congenital heart condition and had been hospitalized earlier in the day.

“I actually thought Hughes was having a heart attack that morning and it was horrible it was so scary,” she told reporters.

She was so touched by manager Matthew Hampton’s kindness that she decided to share her story on Facebook, where it quickly went viral.

“The workers at this location should get awarded for their professional compassion,” she wrote. “They don’t know how much I needed that small act of kindness last night. Having a son with half of a heart is a tough life yet full of many blessings. Thanks for being a blessing to us last night!”

Chisholm also expressed great gratitude toward the server.

“This world is so fast and hurried, and she could have just told me to move along,” she said. “But she saw a mom who looked so frazzled.” (H/T Opposing Views)

You can decide for yourself, of course, whether to support Chick-fil-A or not, and you can base that decision on its stance on same-sex marriage, its various acts of kindness to Americans around the country, or whatever other criteria you prefer. That’s the beauty of living in this country.

Me, I just like the chicken.

Please share this post on Facebook if you agree that Chick-fil-A deserves praise for producing the types of employees who would show kindness like this.

Friday, May 1st, 2015