Character is Forged in Daily Routine – by Christine Darg

Christine Darg is a powerful intercessor and evangelist to virtually all countries in the Middle East. Your contributions to CFS help support this ‘general’ in our King’s army.

Character is forged in daily routine: “Daniel went home to his upstairs room where the windows opened toward Jerusalem. Three times a day he gotdaniel_prayer down on his knees and prayed, giving thanks to his God, just as he had always done before.” (Daniel 6:10)

Notice: (1) After receiving a crisis word, Daniel WENT alone to his prayer chamber. (2) His window was OPEN toward Jerusalem. Daniel was open to the spirit of revelation. (3) He faced JERUSALEM, knowing that God’s holy city is tied to prophetic eternal purposes. (4) His habit, as with all practicing Jews, was to pray THREE times DAILY. Great character is forged by great habits. (5) He KNELT, positioning himself humbly before the Almighty. (6) He had the presence of mind to give THANKS for God’s providence and sovereignty in a crisis. (7) “Just as he had ALWAYS done.”

His relationship with God was ongoing. He didn’t call on God only in emergencies. God bless your day,

CHALLENGE: Become aware of our daily routines. Do they build our character with G-d’s being at the center or do they build character with the worries of the world’s as the focus?


“Thank You, precious L-rd for leading and guiding us. Help us to create Godly habits that will build our character and will reflect You to those who come across our paths. Order our footsteps for Your glory. Hear the pleas of the persecuted church – help the believing world to stand with Israel. Turn our country to You! We bless You. In the most holy Name of our soon-coming Messiah, we pray!

IMMEDIATE Prayer Requests:  

  1. Pray for Israel!
  2. Protection of the persecuted church.
  3. Pray for America.
  4. Jim: recovery knee replacement surgery. Please pray flexibility will increase, pain will subside, and all other parts of his back, etc will operate pain-free..
  5. Shar: overcoming and sense of purpose
  6. Tere: healing and wisdom
  7. Sister-in-law (Les’a): to be able to live/function independently
  8. Carla: continued healing.
  9. Deb: victory over overwhelming circumstances. Encouragement!! God will provide; prayer for wisdom and favor with all those involved in the decision-making. Protection from false accusations and that truth, victory, and peace will reign. That Deb’s spirit will be lifted up: that she will have the words and clarity of mind to accomplish what needs to be done. That there will be a miraculously successful outcome of fairness and provision for her future.
  10. Connie: healing.
  11. Prayer for wisdom and favor as we encounter suffering people.