
According to Mirriam-Webster’s online dictionary an offense is “something that causes a person to be hurt, angry, or upset; something that is wrong or improper; a criminal act”

forgiveness - road signOffenses … something each of us deals with almost daily. Offenses happen when driving, standing in line, chatting with a friend or family member. Often people respond quickly and unthinkingly. And, interestingly enough, many of the offenses are unintentional. People are in a hurry and often respond without really thinking of the consequences of their words. This week I have heard dozens of hurting people in various contexts and locales comment how someone has offended/hurt them. Our society is hurting.

It’s interesting to note that some of these offenses are merely misunderstandings: one person’s perceptions to another’s comment. For example, how often have we each received a text that offended us or at least confused us … sometimes it’s the “auto-filler’s” fault; other times, we weren’t clear. Nevertheless, we’ve inflicted hurt. Or been hurt.

How would G-d have us handle these generally unjustified-hurts? Prov 19:11 CJB exhorts: “People with good sense are slow to anger,  and it is their glory to overlook an offense.” Yes, overlooking an offense can be a huge challenge; especially when we believe the hurt was unjustified. G-d’s Word, however, doesn’t say ‘that when you have been wrongly hurt, it’s ok to bear a grudge”, it states that we have ‘good sense’ and it is ‘our glory to overlook hurt’.

CHALLENGE: My prayer is that we – beginning with me! – will become more aware of our words. That our words will uplift and not tear others down. Once again, Oxana’s excellent song The Power of Words comes to mind. She wrote this song during the midst of overwhelming circumstances, and G-d used those hurts to birth a new song of exhortation – I encourage you to listen to The Power of Words again. (You’ll be blessed.). ….let’s remember the importance of forgiving offenses.

Fringe Benefit of not taking offense and forgiving others: we become free!handcuffed-yajira


 “L-rd, help us to slow down.; to not let our careless words inflict hurt on others. And when we’ve been hurt by others, help us to overlook the offense. Help us to become known as a people who loves and stands together in unity. Be with our nation; help us, as a people, to look to You and not to our own hurtful ways. Be with Israel; keep her strong and focused on You. Bring Your peace to her. We bless You, our King. In Your holy name, we pray!.”

IMMEDIATE Prayer Requests:  

  1. Pray for Israel!
  2. Protection of the persecuted church.
  3. Pray for America.
  4. Deb: victory over overwhelming circumstances. Encouragement!! God will provide; prayer for wisdom and favor with all those involved in the decision-making. Protection from false accusations and that truth, victory, and peace will reign. That Deb’s spirit will be lifted up: that she will have the words and clarity of mind to accomplish what needs to be done. That there will be a miraculously successful outcome of fairness and provision for her future.
  5. Connie: healing – total healing!
  6. Jim: recovery knee replacement surgery, healing. That he will be pain-free.
  7. Brother-in-Law (Norman George): healing
  8. Shar: overcoming and sense of purpose
  9. Tere: healing and wisdom

Read all He is doing through prayer!

  1. Connie is getting stronger everyday … and able to come to Service last week.
  2. Norman’s brother-in-law has been moved to a regular hospital room!
  3. Maggie (Les’a’s sister in law): She continues to become stronger and stronger. She’s got an amazing attitude, she uses her time in dialysis as an opportunity to bring hope to others. (She is doing amazingly well!! Thank you for your prayers!!! Everyday she is getting strong!!! // 6 wks ago: She has awakened! She has phenomenally improved!!! //She is in rehab. Restoration is happening: her voice is almost back to normal, she has use of her hands, and she can walk a bit with a cane!)
  4. Deb got a job!!!
  5. Joe & Mary Benton : they’re returning from an excellent time in Okinawa and family time..
  6. Dawn: family is turning to HaShem!