Let the Meditations of My Heart be acceptable in Your Sight

“Let the words of my mouth and the meditation of my heart
Be acceptable in Your sight,
O Lord, my strength and my Redeemer,” Ps 19:14 NKJV

As we’ve mentioned the last several weeks, life is becoming very negative. People are in crisis. How can we maintain our own spiritual focus? It is of upmost importance that we guard our hearts. Proverbs 4:3 admonishes us to “Above all else, guard your heart, for everything you do flows from it.” The writer of Proverbs stated that guarding our hearts is more important than anything and everything else we do. Why? Because everything we do flows from our hearts.

Jennifer Rothschild became blind at 15. Image all of the difficulties and challenges she had going to high school and college with zero vision. Yet, shejennifer rothschild went on and finished college, married her “Dr. Phil”, had children, and now teaches on the importance guarding our thoughts and negativity. Listen to her sing “Let the Meditations of my heart”, I believe you will be blessed. (To hear her remarkable testimony about living in darkness, click here)

How can we guard our hearts and minds? By not allowing things that are contrary to His Word to seep in. Often we rationalize, ‘it’s only a little bit negative; it won’t hurt’ – yes, it does! It is imperative that we flood our minds with His Word. His Word is the Bread of Life (John 6:25-59. “whoever feeds on this bread will live forever,” John 6:59b); and, furthermore, we are reminded that “The Spirit gives life; the flesh counts for nothing. The words I have spoken to you–they are full of the Spirit and life,” John 6:53.

No, God doesn’t MAKE us follow His way. But, as a dear friend said, “When we don’t, we’re on our own without His blessings.”

  • I encourage each of us, to diligently guard our hearts – even as we’d guard our home from an incoming storm or vandal. Flood our minds, our homes, and thoughts, with His Word, then we will be able to drive the enemy away from our thoughts. And God will be released to perform miracles in our lives.
  • Read His Word – or listen to it on CD. Think about what you are hearing.
  • Tell the enemy to leave you alone. You are refusing to listen to his lies.
  • Ask our Heavenly Father to help you change your thoughts so they are pleasing to Him.

“The Spirit gives life; the flesh counts for nothing. The words I have spoken to you – – they are full of the Spirit and life.” John 6:63 and Ps 119:130

PRAYER: Praise You, might y God and King! Thank You that You and You alone are supreme! We pray that You will help us turn away from all of the negativity – from all that would crowd into our minds. Help us to meditate on You and Your Word … and not on our circumstances or that which floods our minds and our hearts. Thank You for intervening and touching our loved ones. Bring them You peace – Your healing. Heal our Land; heal Israel and protect her with Your peace. We pray in the holy Name of our soon-coming Messiah, Yeshua.”

IMMEDIATE Prayer Requests:  

  • Pray for Israel!
  • Rhonda, Tere, Deb, 3-year old Josh, Norman G’s brother in law, Les’a’s sister in law: healing
  • April: Prayer for healing & restoration.
  • Protection for pastors
  • Olsens: wisdom & peace
  • Marsha’s family: peace and the Lord’s intervention as the family grieves the loss of her cousin.
  • Marsha (Rhonda’s friend): friend’s husband. Encouragement and peace.
  • HEALING and PEACE for all!!!
  • Pray: for ISIS to be stopped;  protection of believers
  • Pray: for victims of terror and their families
  • Pray: for those who are in financial or emotional difficulties.
  • Pray for America.

Read all G-d is doing through prayer!

  1. VBS was terrific!
  2. Coles’ trips: amazing – thank you for your prayers!!
  3. Rhonda is receiving answers! We rejoice with her!
  4. David Davis (Israel): fantastic report from his doctors this week: he is cancer-free!!
  5. Aunt (Norman George): went home from hospital!
  6. Brother (Jim Robeson): went home from hospital!
  7. Unspoken victories are beginning to shower down!!!