We MUST be alert and pray!!!

By Les’a Cole

First Peter 5:8 informs us that “the devil, prowls around like a roaring lion, seeking someone to devour.” The evil one is attacking on all sides: through the media, through violence, through chaos, and even by playing on the compassion of tender-hearted of Americans. Spiritually and physically he is exhausting the saints, as Danial 7:25a says, “He will speak out against the Most High and wear down the saints of the Highest One.”

As believers, it is imperative that we be alert and on guard!

We must pray:

  1. For Him to give us eyes to recognize these situations as attacks from the evil one.
  2. That Americans will see through the barrage of all this noise … and see truth.
  3. That God Himself will raise up Godly leaders within our country.
  4. That believers in Israel, and Israelis in general, will protected and given words of encouragement for the faint-hearted.

During these trying times, we must not waver in our convictions. We must stand strong. The world is watching … our walk before YHVH is the only light some people see.

While these times can seem overwhelming, it’s also exciting that the Ancient of Days chose US to be alive for such times as these. He’s entrusting much into our spiritual “hands” … that’s an amazing thought to meditate upon.

Let us always remember that HE is the author and finisher of our faith! (Hebrew 12:2). And that as we seek Him and turn from our ways that are displeasing to Him, HE is will answer and heal our land. (2Chron 7:14).

10 days until the election. PRAY. FAST. INTERCEDE!


“Thank You, Father for entrusting these times in our spiritual hands. We pray that YOU will intervene. That You will raise up Godly men and women to lead our country.  Touch, encourage, and be with PM Netanyahu. Bring Your peace in our streets and on our air-ways and to Israel’s. Thank You for being our God! For showing us Your ways that we may walk in them. In Yeshua’s glorious Name, we pray”

IMMEDIATE Prayer Requests:

  1. USA: Peace on our streets. For righteous leaders to be raised up.
  2. Prayer for total financial and emotional miracles.
  3. Israel: peace and righteousness.

Continuous Prayer:

  1. Pray for healing and direction of the US
  2. Pray for Israel!
  3. Protection of the persecuted church
  4. Prayer for our soldiers and those in uniform: that they might be spiritually, mentally, physically, & emotionally whole!