Elul week 5: of our Walls of Jericho fast – keep pressing in …

By Les’a Cole

“In the seventh month, on the first of the month, there shall be a sabbath for you, a remembrance with shofar blasts, a holy convocation,” Lev 16:24.

The High Holy Days are here!!!

The month of Tishrei begins Monday evening, Sept 6, 2021. There are three major Biblical festivals in this one month: Yom Teru’ah (aka Feast of Trumpets; Lev. 23:23; Num. 29:1- 6), Yom Kippur (Day of Atonement), and Sukkot (Feast of Tabernacles or Booths) + Sh’mini Atzeret/Simchat Torah (the 89th day of Sukkot & the celebration of completing the reading of the Torah).

Many Americans use January 1, New Year’s Day, as a time to plan a better life, making “resolutions.”  However, those who closely follow the Bible do not look at “resolutions” as a one-day evaluation/decision. During the month of Elul (the month before Yom Teru’ah), we focused on our spiritual life, God’s love for us, His attributes of and our love for Him. This period helped ready us to meet the Lord on the High Holy Days.

Can we even count the ways that during this brief period that the Lord has gently shown us, individually, His love and His desire for us to re-align of our spiritual direction. He revealed areas where we each need to ‘tighten up our walks before Him’, ways we can be more pleasing to Him. Hasn’t it been an amazing experience??!! Stretching, yes; but good, because we know in whose hands we have entrusted our lives.

The shofar (ram’s horn or trumpet) is blown on Yom Teru’ah to herald the High Holy Days. It is blown to awaken those who are spiritually sleeping and calls worshippers to turn to God. It also announces that a great event is about to take place.

This year, we are again going to have exciting time during these days! Last year, the Lord met us in amazing ways – let’s get ready for what the He is going to do this year!!! Come to each of YHVH’s Festivals with expectancy in your heart!


“Glorious Father! The month of Elul has been a great experience – thank You for having helped us prepare spiritually for Your festivals. We come with expectancy in our hearts – thank You for loving us even more than we can imagine – even more than we love ourselves. Bless each intercessor with favor in the work place – help us to be blessings to our co-workers. Help us to be good stewards and to get out of debt by the end of 2020. Bless our children and families. Help them to know You and to walk in Your ways. Be with our soldiers – thank You for their voluntary service. Heal the sick among us. Bring Your peace to J’lem. Turn our country back to You. In Your most holy Name, we pray.”

IMMEDIATE Prayer Requests:

  1. USA: peace – protection for our soldiers & believers in Afghanistan – bring righteousness out of the disappointing situation.
  2. Israel: peace and righteousness.
  3. Protection of the persecuted church.