Why Should I Pray??

“I’m sooo busy; I don’t have time to set aside a specific time each day to pray,” the enemy tells us.

One of the things I never cease to be amazed about are the LORD’s dividends on what we give Him. We give Him our hearts, and He gives us eternity! We pay our 10% tithe, and He extends our finances! We love Him and follows His ways, and He bestows countless blessings upon us. We pray, and He allows us to participate in His plans for our family, friends, nation, the world. But there is more.

Since we began the Call To Prayer 18 months ago, we have seen countless miracles He has wrought as a result of our praying. But there is still more!

Did you know that there are not only mental benefits but also physiological benefits to prayer? One of the obvious ones is the peace the Lord gives when we pray in difficult situations. In addition, studies have shown there is a connection between prayer and less depression, lower blood pressure, improved ability to deal with financial problems and physical pain, better health and a longer life.

(For the next few weeks we are going to the explore benefits of praying. Next week, we shall look at some of the benefits of prayer to our brain.)

Don’t pray when you feel like it. Have an appointment with the Lord and keep it. A man is powerful on his knees.” ~ Corrie ten Boom

ASSIGNMENT: pray 15 minutes a day! Prayer changes things!

“Lord, help us to put an end to the busyness of our lives – help us to make time to pray everyday. Forgive us for allowing the pressures of life to crowd our time with You. You are such a amazing, loving Father. We bless You! Thank You for all You’ve done in Paul’s life. We pray that You restore him completely. Heal those who are hurting physically and emotionally. Bring revival to our land. Protect our soldiers and their families. We continue to lift up our families. Lord, we ask that You surround them with believers; people who will draw them to jealousy because they know You and have Your peace. Bless your Israel, Your land, and bring Your peace to J’lem. In Your holy Name, we pray.”