Heart of Worship

What a mighty God we serve!!!! Don’t you love how He continues to orchestra our every footstep. I am never ceased to be amazed at how He maneuvers our paths & our directions. All we have to do is lean on Him, pray, trust, and relax – not get stressed over the little things.

Months ago, my mother was given the grim diagnosis of surgery or possibly a wheelchair. I, then, began hours of due diligence of trying to find the best surgeon and neurologist who would see an out-of-town 86-year-old. Finally I was able to obtain appointments with two different doctors – about 6 weeks apart. No, these were not the dates we envisioned. One was earlier and the other later than we desired. But GOD was directing! The first appointment resulted in a totally different direction than we’d considered – physical therapy rather than surgery. Needless to say, Mother was thrilled at not having to have surgery. Then, yesterday, she met with the neurologist. He also agreed no surgery and that physical therapy was the preferred treatment. WOW!! The seeming ‘twists’ in our plans have resulted in Mother’s getting stronger every day and tweeking other things in her life. Our Lord used these to grant her heart’s desire of no surgery! In about a month, she will be able to return home and resume much of her previous very active lifestyle! She commented that all of these changes are getting her ready for the next decade – I’m believing until she is 120! We worship Him for His plans not ours!!

And that was not all our Lord did Thursday! A tiny infant received a wonderful report from her cardiologist – the holes in her heart are closing, and she does not need to return to see him until she is a year! Last week, the infant’s grandmother led us in a powerful and timely song, Heart of Worship. I encourage you to listen and meditate on it. (You will find it on the homepage of the CFS website.) It is fantastic how He leads and guides –– even when we don’t yet see clearly.

How can we not worship a God Who loves and directs all of our paths!