A Day of History in Israel: modern-day ‘Hanukkah Miracle’

  • On the surface this week’s Call To Prayer may seem more like a news article than a Call to Prayer. However, it is critical that we, as Believers, keep our eyes on what is happening in Israel and in the world. In this way we will not only be able to prayer more accurately but we’ll also know where we are in the timeline of history. Awareness and knowledge are key. In the mid-1970s, many well-intentioned American Believers actually shipped stone and rock to Israel to aid in the building of the 3rd Temple. Unfortunately these zealous Believers did not act out of knowledge; because they hadn’t understood that northern Israel has an abundance of stones and rocks. Indeed all true Believers eagerly await the rebuilding of the Temple. Happenings like the Menorah’s being lit this last week with ceremonially pure oil is another indication of where we are on that timeline. (The article below will give more information about this exciting occurrence.) Let us personally pray and prepare our own hearts that our spiritual lamps will be ready when our Bridegroom comes.

Ancient Laws of Ritual Purity Resurrected in Holy Oil for Menorah Ceremony During Hanukkah in Jewish Quarter

Article by Christine Darg (Photos by Barbara Dingle in Jerusalem)

As far as Bible prophecy and the Temple Mount are concerned, a very prophetic event took place Dec 22, 2014,  in Jerusalem that has gone unnoticed by much of the world. The Temple Institute has come one step  closer to realizing the dream of restoring Temple worship in the future in Jerusalem–and it’s a miracle story involving Hanukkah and holy oil.

The eight-day festival of Hanukkah marks the victory of the Maccabees – a group of Jewish warriors – over the Syrian-Greek occupiers of Israel in 164 BCE, and in particular the liberation of the Temple Mount and re-sanctification of the Temple, which included the lighting of the Menorah.

But one menorah-lighting Dec 22, 2014,  in Jerusalem was absolutely historic: for the first time in nearly 2,000 years, Temple Institute experts have reproduced the pure olive oil precisely as it was used in the Temple to light the holy Menorah.

This “real-life Hanukkah miracle” was enacted courtesy of the Temple Institute, an organization dedicated to educating and raising awareness about the importance of the Temple Mount and the holy Temple itself, and preparing for its eventual rebuilding. The historic lighting took place at the end of a procession through the Old City of Jerusalem on the seventh night of Hanukkah, December 22nd.

Sounding Biblical Silver Trumpet during this Ceremony

The oil’s “puritsilver-trumpety” is not just physical; among the many complex laws surrounding the Menorah’s olive oil is a critical requirement that it remain ritually pure – not an easy task in an age when the Jewish laws (halakhot) surrounding ritual purity have been widely neglected and forgotten due to the fact that most apply only to the Temple service.

But it is precisely that challenge, explains Temple Institute International Director Rabbi Chaim Richman, which makes the project so poignant for this time of year. The Maccabees, too, were ritually impure at the time they liberated the Temple from Hellenistic control (having been fighting a bloody war against the Hellenists). In fact, the “Hanukkah miracle” commemorated via the lighting of the hanukkiah is the very fact that the Jewish freedom-fighters were able to locate a pure jug of olive oil despite the defilement of the Temple – a jug which miraculously burned for eight full days despite only containing enough oil for a single day.

“This is unprecedented… really in the entire recorded history since the Temple’s destruction it hasn’t happened. We are resurrecting the ancient laws of ritual purity,” Rabbi Richman stated in the Israeli press.

“There is a misconception held by many that the oil can’t be made now because we are all technically ritually impure. It’s true that there are many very complicated halakhot involved, but it is doable,” he explained, pointing to how the Maccabees still lit the Menorah and set about immediately producing more despite their own ritual impurity at the time. (Video on preparation)

The procession started off at Zion Gate with musical accompaniment (oboe, drums) to the Jewish Quarter ending  in the Cardo for the ceremony.

It was a Yom Historia B’Yisrael – a day of history in Israel–with a careful ritual of pouring oil into a Menorah, and the lighting, as in the days when the Temple Menorah was re-dedicated.

Then a further procession in pouring rain (often a sign of blessing in Israel) to the area at the top of the steps above the golden menorah that is currently on display in the Jewish QuarterLighting Temple Menorah.

So interesting also that this ceremony takes place just prior to Christmas when believers around the world commemorate the conception and birth of Yeshua, the light of the world, and the manifestation of Messiah to the Gentiles with the visit of the Magi.



“You are again allowing us to see Your modern-day miracles – Your bringing prophecy to pass! With much expectancy we look forward to the building the 3rd Temple! LORD, we love You! We worship You. We continue to pray for unity of families – for our country to serve YOU and for Your divine peace to reign in Jerusalem. In the holy Name of our Messiah, Yeshua, we pray.”


IMMEDIATE Prayer Requests:  

  • Pray for Israel!
  • Protection of the persecuted church.
  • Pray for the emotional turmoil of many around us.
  • Pregnant daughter (Debbie in Houston): prayer that complications will absolve and that baby and mother will be healthy
  • Marita (Israel): travel and health
  • Ministers (Dawn’s daughter and son in law): encouragement, wisdom, and direction.
  • Cynthia (who’s relocated to Louisiana, near family): favor for a job, healing for her sister, godly relationships
  • Chantell & Maggie (Les’a & Don’s daughter in law and sister in law): healing
  • PJ: total body healing.
  • John Evans: finances
  • Jobs: Pamela, Norman G., PJ, Natan and his new military assignment.
  • REVIVAL in Arizona
  • FRIENDS: many of our friends are hurting physically and emotionally.
  • FAMILIES & MARRIAGES: strong, healthy and Christ-centered; spiritual, mental, and emotional healing. God will bring families together. Spirit of division will cease. Family relationships healed! Family members who are far off will return and serve God.
  • PRAYER FOR OUR SOLDIERS: spiritually, mentally, physically, and emotionally whole!
  • Protection of believers all over the world.