All that the LORD has said …

One of the most amazing verses to me in Scripture is Exodus 19:8: “All that the LORD has spoken we will do!” I think it is remarkable that even before the Hebrew children knew what God was going to require of them, they committed to do it!

Often we focus on the times the Hebrews murmured and complained during their 40-year journey. In this instance, their response to YHWH raises the standard of how we ought to respond to YHWH. They set a phenomenal precedent!

It is easy (&, maybe, natural) for us to bemoan our personal situation. We even rationalize why we resist Him. True, the Hebrews had seen His miracles (& haven’t we each seen His intervention in our own lives?). The bottom line is trust and obey. QUESTION: will we commit our ways, thoughts, and emotions to the LORD and follow His Torah, like the Hebrews did (& they didn’t even yet have the written Word!)? Or, will we follow what seems right in our eyes?

Pakistan-prayer-man-640-320-creative-commonsYears ago, a very wise friend made a poignant remark to me: “Why is it that I don’t yield and follow His ways when He first shows me something? I know that in 6 months I will surrender to His leading, to following His Torah in this matter I further know there will be peace and blessings when I do.” She further pondered, “Why won’t I just humble myself in the first place and just obey??!!? I’ll save myself a lot of stress.”

I’ve often thought of her rhetorical questions. Why do our ways (& why do my ways) seem better than following His ways??

GOAL: When the LORD first shows us an area to yield to Him, let’s do it … rather than wait. Let’s enjoy the fruit of following Him today!

PRAYER: Father, thank You for never giving up on us! Thank You that Your love is infinite! Help us to humble ourselves and do Your bidding. We thank You for the incredible ways that You lead and guide us every day. Thank You!!! Bring Israel and America Your peace. We love You, our precious heavenly Father. In the holy Name of our soon-coming Messiah.

IMMEDIATE Prayer Requests:  

  • Pray for Israel!
  • Blessings on the hearts of all who will attend the upcoming Women of Valor Bible study.
  • Families in crisis
  • Joe & Mary Benton: wisdom as to when to return to Mexico & provision
  • Protection for pastors
  • HEALING and PEACE for all!!!
  • PJ: tumor
  • Rhonda & Aunt (Norman George’s): healing!
  • Olsens: wisdom & peace
  • Tere & Deb: healing!!!
  • 2-year old Grandson (Mary & Joe Benton): Please pray little Joshua’s healing.
  • April (Betty & Harold Olson’s daughter): diagnosed with cancer. Payer for healing and restoration.
  • Sa’ed (the Iranian-American pastor who was recently released from Iranian prison) and his wife: their marriage. And unity of their family.
  • Marsha (Rhonda’s friend): friend’s husband & her cousin. Encouragement and peace.
  • Pray: for ISIS to be stopped;  protection of believers
  • Pray: for victims of terror and their families
  • Pray: for those who are in financial or emotional difficulties.
  • Pray for America.
  • Paul & Lynn Mann: total restoration.
  • Jessica (Lori & Jim’s daughter): return to the God of her youth – the God of her parents.

Read all G-d is doing through prayer!

  1. Unspoken victories are beginning to shower down!!!
  2. Coles’ trips: amazing – thank you for your prayers!!
  3. Georges: great trip!
  4. Oxana’s grandbaby, even after struggle with birth, born healthy!
  5. 3 other babies born healthy!!
  6. David Davis (pastor of Kehilat haCarmel in Haifa) has completed his extensive treatment in Mexico and has returned to Haifa!
  7. April: good report from doctor!