Battle Strategies, part 1

One of the major pitfalls in our lives is lack of vision

One major emotional pitfall in our lives is a lack of vision for our future. The enemy tries to make us depressed and stress - pulling hair outdiscouraged, telling us there is no hope – no future – we’ll never overcome.

Our part is to stop listening to and thinking on negative thoughts that the enemy drops into our minds. Jer 4:14b, (NASB & KJV for clarity) pointedly asks us: “How long will your wicked (vain, KJV) thoughts lodge within you?” Joyce Meyer succinctly reminds us: “Where the mind goes, there we go!” and to reinforce the aggressiveness we need to take in not allowing our minds to wander or waver, she articulates, “Set your mind and keep it set!”

In the midst of a trial, we may have difficulty keeping our mind set. One of my favorite all-time verses is 1Cor 10:13:

“No temptation has overtaken you but such as is common to man; and God is faithful, who will not allow you to be tempted beyond what you are able, but with the temptation will provide the way of escape also, so that you will be able to endure it.”

  • bible - ray of light, 2G-d is telling us that whatever struggle we are having not unique to us — we are not specifically singled out; others also have had or are experiencing the same thing.
  • G-d is faithful; He is right there beside us – guiding us through the landmines of life. No obstacle is too great for us to overcome with His help and guidance.
  • And, finally, He is saying that we will endure; we’ll not be ambushed and overcome, as long as we look to the L-rd. Isn’t that a wonderful promise!!

The next time negative thoughts pop into our minds, tell satan “No, I refuse to meditate on that! G-d has a beautiful future for me!”

The L-rd declares in His Word that He has planned a bright future for us. (“For I know the plans I have for you,” declares the LORD, “plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future,” Jer 29:11.)

If we think what G-d thinks & say what He says, we will fast track through the emotional landmines of the spiritual desert!

CHALLENGE: Every morning immediately upon your awakening, fill your mind with thankfulness. (Get the first word in, before the enemy tries to fill you with negative or depressing thoughts):

  • Thank G-d for a new day that is filled with His mercies!
  • Thank Him for the future He has for you.
  • For the hope He’s giving you.
  • For His plans of victory.


 “We magnify You! Thank You for the future of hope you have given us!!! We worship Your holy Name; in You we have our trust!! We ask that You heal Tere, Josh, and April. Raise up godly leaders in our country. Bless Israel and give her peace. In the Name of our Messiah, Yeshua, we pray.”

IMMEDIATE Prayer Requests:  

  1. Pray for Israel!
  2. Tere: healing.
  3. 2-year old Grandson (Mary & Joe Benton): Please pray little Joshua’s healing.
  4. April (Betty & Harold Olson’s daughter): diagnosed with cancer. Payer for healing and restoration.
  5. Sa’ed (the Iranian-American pastor who was recently released from Iranian prison) and his wife: their marriage. And unity of their family.
  6. Dave Davis (pastor of Kehilat haCarmel in Haifa) is very ill; he’s in Mexico for treatment.
  7. Marsha (Rhonda’s friend): friend’s husband has end stage renal failure. Encouragement and peace.
  8. Shar (Lori and Les’a’s friend): peace and physical and emotional strength
  9. Prayer for ISIS to be stopped;  protection of believers
  10. Prayer for those who are in financial or emotional difficulties.
  11. Pray for America.
  12. Paul & Lynn Mann: total restoration.
  13. Jessica (Lori & Jim’s daughter): return to the God of her youth – the God of her parents.

Read all He is doing through prayer!

  1. Peace has returned to Don’s mom!!!
  2. Pamela’s miracle at work.
  3. Mary and Joe Benton’s son is now in Tucson! Grandson’s blood counts remained steady through the trip.
  4. Despite cesarean complications, Ellie (Chantell’s daughter) and Chantell are each healthy!
  5. April (Betty & Harold’s daughter): scan came back showing no cancer in her brain!!
  6. Co-worker’s hubbie (Lori): released from ICU, after having grand mal seizures
  7. Families are being reunited!
  8. Grandson (Les’a and Don): spared and visited by an angel.
  9. Connie is getting stronger everyday … and able to come to Service last week.