Battle Strategies, part 2

Another major pitfall in our lives is a negative attitude

In addition to a lack of vision, which we discussed last week, there are other major emotional pitfalls we can each fallstress - pulling hair out prey to, they are: an entitlement mentality, a negative feeling of life’s being too hard, and complaining or fault-finding. Each of these attitudes can cause us to stay in the spiritual wilderness, even as the Hebrews remained in the wilderness for 40 years. As the Hebrews could have entered the Promised Land after only 2 years of wandering, we also can enter shorten our journey to His spiritual Promised Land of peace and joy. In Phil 2:14, Paul instructs: “Do all things without grumbling or disputing.”

G-d doesn’t like a murmurer. In Numbers 14:29, G-d gives insight into how He feels about murmuring:  “In this wilderness your bodies will fall–every one of you twenty years old or more who was counted in the census and who has grumbled against me.” Pretty strong! I’m thinking we need to be very careful not to allow complaining nor murmuring to enter our hearts.

Even when we do not fully understand a situation, we need to remember that it is G-d who orders our footsteps and it is He who has plans for us to prosper, as we serve Him. He doesn’t cause evil to befall us; but when it does, He is there to lead, guide, and mature us!! In Him, we can do all things! Joyce Meyer succinctly states: “When we complain, we remain; when we praise, we raise.” I know none of us wants to remain in a negative situation (our personal wilderness), so let’s praise our L-rd so that we can more quickly enter our spiritual Promised Land.

CHALLENGE: Get a right mind set early in the morning, before the enemy drops negative thoughts into our minds. Let’s begin our mornings with these thoughts:

  • Whatever comes up today, I can handle it!
  • I don’t have to be afraid of the unexpected.
  • Thru Yeshua, I can handle whatever comes my way.
  • I will not give up!
  • I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me.


 “L-rd, we feel excitement in our spirits! You are helping us to pass through our own spiritual wilderness into the Promised Land You have for each of us! Hallelu-Yah, with expectancy, we tender our hearts to You and to Your direction and leading. We want the attitudes of our hearts and our actions and words to reflect You in all we do and say. Heal our friends (Tere, Josh, and April) – thank You that healing is in Your atonement, and we know that each of these loves You. Bring Your divine peace to Jerusalem. Raise up godly leaders in our country. In the Name of our Messiah, Yeshua, we pray.”

IMMEDIATE Prayer Requests:  

  1. Pray for Israel!
  2. Tere: healing!!!
  3. 2-year old Grandson (Mary & Joe Benton): Please pray little Joshua’s healing.
  4. April (Betty & Harold Olson’s daughter): diagnosed with cancer. Payer for healing and restoration.
  5. Sa’ed (the Iranian-American pastor who was recently released from Iranian prison) and his wife: their marriage. And unity of their family.
  6. Dave Davis (pastor of Kehilat haCarmel in Haifa) is very ill; he’s in Mexico for treatment.
  7. Marsha (Rhonda’s friend): friend’s husband has end stage renal failure. Encouragement and peace.
  8. Shar (Lori and Les’a’s friend): peace and physical and emotional strength
  9. Prayer for ISIS to be stopped;  protection of believers
  10. Prayer for those who are in financial or emotional difficulties.
  11. Pray for America.
  12. Paul & Lynn Mann: total restoration.

Jessica (Lori & Jim’s daughter): return to the God of her youth – the God of her parents