Be Encouraged & PRAY!

God has answered … and now it is critical that we act!

FaceBook posting by Christine Darg: “A Word from the Lord for 2017 given by Pastor Judy Fornaro in the American state of Minnesota: “A new season for America, a season of joy. The Giant Church has been released from chains. Favor will come back to the Church and America. A revolution has occurred just like in 1776, now in 2016 a revolution comes on the scene. You have elected a new president that will favor Israel and My people. I will bring him and Putin together for a season to build my house in Israel. Lift sanctions and blockage on Israel – she will keep all her land and be able to build where she had longed forever to build again.

“Your new president became a new man when he learned he will be president. He knows I put him in office and it has caused a great seriousness to come upon his spirit. Expect more at the inauguration, the Church and God will be lifted up over America once again. . . . Many states will vote out abortion. People will return to God and the Church. National Day of Prayer with your president praying will come back over the land. . . .

“I brought change because My Church prayed and cried out for change, it is here. . . .

“Europe is gone over to compromise and the enemy. They are setting themselves up for the Antichrist. Yet, I have loved England because they took the Gospel to Africa & Asia along with America. I have chosen to save them, like I have chosen America to save you because many belong to me in this country- America you were made beautiful – rise and be beautiful again- I will redeem you again by the Hand of Almighty God. “

PRAYER: “Mighty LORD, You have answered – thank YOU! We pray that You give wisdom & direction to those in authority over country. Turn our country to YOU! Help us, as a nation, to stand fast with Israel – that our US embassy will be moved to Jerusalem, the eternal capital of Israel. Amazing God, we love YOU! And worship YOU!!! In the holy Name of our Messiah, Yeshua, we pray. Amen”

IMMEDIATE Prayer Requests:

  1. Israel’s safety will not be compromised
  2. USA: Wisdom for our leadership and their direction. Prayer for their safety.
  3. Healing! Connie, et al
  4. Total healing spiritual and physical for all we know and love!
  5. Howells: needed sale

Continuous Prayer:

  1. Pray for healing and direction of the US
  2. Pray for Israel!
  3. Protection of the persecuted church
  4. PRAYER FOR OUR SOLDIERS: spiritually, mentally, physically, and emotionally whole!

Read what He is doing through prayer!

  1. The fires have stopped in Israel!!!
  2. Denise: amazing visit with family
  3. God intervened in the elections.
  4. April: God opened new doors!
  5. Duane (Coles’ friend): miraculous recovery from stroke
  6. Rhonda’s & Colin’s surgeries went well
  7. Kerene: approval for new medicine!
  8. Tere got an excellent report from doc!
  9. Children are applying Scripture memory verses to their lives!
  10. VBS was terrific!
  11. Coles’ trips: amazing – thank you for your prayers!!
  12. Rhonda is receiving answers! We rejoice with her!