Benefits of Prayer: emotional benefits – overcoming moods, stress, & anger

In the last two three weeks, we have seen the relationship and psychological benefits of consistent and in depth prayer. This week we shall list some of the emotional benefits. Jesus admonished us: “Do not let your heart be troubled; believe in God, believe also in Me,” John 14:1 NASB.

1.       Calming Anger: Ohio State University researchers found that praying for the well-being of the person with whom one is angry calms angers and fosters positive emotions and attitudes that improves overall health. (source: Personality & Social Psychology Bulletin)

2.       Improving Mood & Outlook: A study of 600 middle-age and older adults, by the US Department of Health & Human Services, found that religious beliefs protected them against symptoms of depression. (source: Journal of Nervous and mental Disease)

3.      Buffering Against Stress & Negative Emotions. University of Amsterdam (Holland) found that people with religious upbringing were less likely to manifest neuroticism (anxiety, anger, guilt, depression, view life situations as threatening or hopelessly difficult), even if they were predisposed to. (source: Twin Research & Human Genetics)

4.      Enhancing Satisfaction With Life: A study of more than 2000 church members across the US revealed that giving help brings greater benefits than receiving help. (source: Psychosomatic Medicine)

5.      Controlling Fear of Terrorist Attacks. Researchers in Germany found that students who held deeply religious beliefs had fewer fears or thoughts of death than their non-religious counterparts. And their religious convictions reduced stressful impact of threats, which helps overall health. (source: Journal Personality & Social Psychology)

ASSIGNMENT: pray 15 minutes a day! Prayer changes things! These benefits are even more pronounced when we have the LORD Yeshua, in our lives.

“LORD, we pray for those who have offended us. Bless them. Help us to develop consistent prayer lives. LORD, we want everything You have for us. Help us to focus on You and walking upright before You. Be with all our soldiers: those wounded, those here, and those in combat. Fill their hearts to overflowing with Your love. Protect Your Land of Israel – bring Your peace. Bring revival to the USA! In Your holy Name, we pray.”