Biblical Hebrew Course 103 — Developing Grammatical Concepts
Link: Biblical Hebrew Courses
Link: Weekly Parasha Readings
Link: Elementary BibleHub Basics (great study tool!)
- Important Scriptures to learn & to apply to daily life:
- 7 BLESSINGS – listed all on one sheet
- Ps 89:52
- Josh 1:6
- Ps 119:1
- Ex 29:8
- Ps 118:26
- Ps 119:105
- Lev 10:10
- Great verses listed individually:
- 7 BLESSINGS – listed all on one sheet
- Order:
- 201 Hebrew Verb Book – an easy-to-use verb conjugation book. We encourage you to order this book soon, as it often is unavailable. (Should cost less than $10.) You will use this book throughout your studies.
- 3-ring binder with lined paper
Flashcards – to help reinforce your vocabulary:
Homework log – for Heb 101, 102, 103 — 12-10-2024 – please fill in daily
- Lesson 21 Pronominal suffixes with singular and plural nouns pgs 1-8– 12-01-2023
- Lesson 22 construct chains,part 1 pg 8-11 — 03-15-2023
- Lesson 23 construct chains,part 2 – pg 12-16 — 01-10-2024
- Lesson 24 reviewing concepts, pgs 17-21 — 03-15-2023
- Lesson 25 adjectives – attributive & substantive – pgs 22-27 –03-27-2024