Have you ever wondered, “Will G-d answer “MY” prayers?” or thought “He’ll answer everyone else’s..
“Pray in the Spirit at all times and on every occasion. Stay alert and be..
Annihilation of the Jews is a common theme throughout history. Generally, these attacks have come..
Are we going to be timid as kittens and overcome by huge trials or is..
One of my favorite things is watching how the L-rd constantly orchestrates events and happenings..
This week I saw a woman who body was riddled with cancer. She appeared to..
Israel is a country, a land, a people like no other. Even the very name..
“Ha Ben Yakir Li” (Jer 31:20) – The lush sounds of ancient middle-eastern strings, flutes,..
“ You shall teach them diligently to your sons and shall talk of them when you..
Mitzvah, part 2 Last week, we looked at the word mitzvah (Hebrew, מִצְוָה) which is..
The word Mitzvah (Hebrew, מִצְוָה) occurs over 180 times in the Masoretic text of the..
Before Passover, as well as prior to the fall High Holy Days, we spend time..
Israel Today | Ryan Jones | Israel’s leading media group, Keshet, has taken a keen..
On the surface this week’s Call To Prayer may seem more like a news article..
“For we must all appear before the judgment seat of Christ; that every one may..