As a man thinketh in his heart, so is he. (Prov 23:7) It seems that..
Don’t give up! Are you going through difficult situation right now? Don’t give up!!! Think..
We don’t have to meditate on every thought that pops into our minds Have you..
‘The road to hell is paved with a thousand good intentions’ Throughout the year, we..
Should we or should we not celebrate this American tradition, that has come to be..
Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu lights the first Chanukah candle … Throughout the millennia, enemies have..
During the reign of Alexander the Great (336-323 BC), Syria, Egypt, and Palestine experienced much..
In July of 1620, a group of people boarded the Mayflower in search of a..
The American holiday of Thanksgiving is a wonderful holiday. Most businesses close so families and..
In today’s chaotic world, it is vital that we have tools to gain victory over..
When we think of fame, we often think about having notoriety, being esteemed, excelling, etc…
The definition of hallowed is ‘holy’, ‘consecrated’, ‘greatly revered & respected’. Is Halloween hallowed? Holy?..
The objective of today’s advertising is to make us feel dissatisfied with who, what we..
A constant theme of many believers is to ‘Walk in the ways of our Messiah.’..
Yeshua said: “Do not think I have come to abolish the Torah or the Prophets;..
Who are we? We’re moms, dads, spouses, or children. We’re tall or short. We’re from..