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“Let the words of my mouth and the meditation of my heart Be acceptable in..
(Do you ever wonder if you are really significant?) Life is getting crazy … right?..
(What is my responsibility?) In the modern world, the very old or the very young..
Can it be improved? Since we are constantly bombarded that age impacts our memories, is..
(In Hebrew: mi dor l’dor) At some point in our adult lives each of us..
God has answered!!! Seventeen months ago, as a congregation, we began praying to have our..
Is God practical? Often we hear about Muslims making the Hajj. (According to Islam, the..
One of the most amazing verses to me in Scripture is Exodus 19:8: “All that..
My plans versus actuality Our daughter’s first child was to be dedicated to the..
UNTIL July 4th!! Virtually every American would agree that we need G-d’s intervention. We need..
As I reviewed the festival dates for the year, I noticed that several of God’s..
Passover is in 22 days … are we ready? (This year Passover begins the evening..
As Believers, we’re supposed to have a good attitude – regardless of our circumstance. Please..
You don’t have to feel like doing something, to do it. Our actions are not..
Another major pitfall in our lives is a negative attitude In addition to a lack..
One of the major pitfalls in our lives is lack of vision One major emotional..
As a man thinketh in his heart, so is he. (Prov 23:7) We all tend..
“More men fail through lack of purpose than lack of talent,” Billy Sunday. The purpose..
As a man thinketh in his heart, so is he. (Prov 23:7) It seems that..