
Can we really make the changes we yearn to make?

What is the over-riding message we are taking into this 9-day old new year? Traditionally, people have made new year’s changeresolutions.

The proverbial list goes on: lose weight, get finances in order, clean the garage, etc., etc. After a few weeks – or days – all our visions of change begin to fade, and we slip back into our old ways … until the next year when we once again make resolutions.

(Good news: when we follow God’s Biblical calendar, we don’t have the opportunity to make changes/resolutions only once a year, but every few months we have opportunity to reflect and prepare ourselves spiritually for His upcoming holy day – for meeting with Him on His mo’ed (His appointed day).

Let us each take this opportunity to ponder what changes the L-rd would have us each to make. Let’s commit our ways, these changes, to Him. By relying on Him we CAN overcome bad habits. Each time I am faced with temptation, I remember what my pastor said “What do I want more: the temptation or God & His ways?” Yes, there are challenges everyday but I continue to work & focus on “Do I REALLY want to walk in His fullness or am I going to settle for a little compromise here & a little compromise there?”

First Corinthians teaches that “No temptation has seized you except what is common to man. And God is faithful; he will not let you be tempted beyond what you can bear. But when you are tempted, he will also provide a way out so that you can stand up under it,” ICor 10:13. (Hallelujah! All of our temptations are common to man – they are not just our own personal issues and/or trials. Many others are also experiencing the same thing. He will not let us be tempted beyond what He knows we are able to overcome – with His help. With our hearts focused on His ways, we will be able to endure and come out winners. Hallelujah!


 “Mighty God, Our King! Thank You for Your divine love and direction. We love You!! Thank You for Your intervention in our lives! Help each of us to fulfill the call You have our on our lives. Lord, we help us to surrender the areas You are leading us to change. We want to walk in Your fullness – in Your precepts. We love You! Touch each of these situations. Heal our land; heal our families; heal Israel; heal our soldiers; heal our finances. Bring our families to a fullness of You. Be with our grandchildren – protect them. Thank You for caring so much for us that You gave Yourself that we might know You. Help us to give ourselves to You. Turn the hearts of our countrymen to You and bring Your divine peace to Jerusalem. Holy Father, we these things in the Name of our precious Messiah, Yeshua.”

IMMEDIATE Prayer Requests:  

  1. Pray for Israel!
  2. Prayer for ISIS to be stopped;  protection of believers
  3. Kelly (Pamela’s friend): peace and vindication.
  4. 2-year old Grandson (Mary & Joe Benton): Dad has been assigned to David-Monthan!! Please pray little Joshua is well enough to travel to Tucson.
  5. Tere: healing and wisdom in direction
  6. April (Betty & Harold Olson’s daughter): diagnosed with cancer. Payer for healing and restoration.
  7. Prayer for those who are in financial or emotional difficulties.
  8. Pray for America.
  9. Donna: new job
  10. Shar (Lori’s friend): job in Tucson, and sense of purpose
  11. Chantell (Les’a and Don’s daughter in law): birth of child Monday
  12. Deb: victory
  13. Paul & Lynn Mann: total restoration.
  14. Jessica (Lori & Jim’s daughter): return to the God of her youth – the God of her parents.

Read all He is doing through prayer!

  1. Mary and Joe Benton’s son is being transferred to Davis-Monthan base in Tucson!
  2. Co-worker’s hubbie (Lori): released from ICU, after having grand mal seizures
  3. Families are being reunited!
  4. Grandson (Les’a and Don): spared and visited by an angel.
  5. Connie is getting stronger everyday … and able to come to Service last week.