Elul 1: Moment by Moment

Wednesday evening, Aug 27, 2014, begins the month of Elul, 5774. Each year, I look forward to 1st of Elul, because each year He does  huge things in my life personally during this 40-day season of leading up to the High Holy Days. I feel like a little kid awaiting a special gift – and in actuality, I am a little kid awaiting something special from our Master!!!

The Talmud writes that the Hebrew acronym for Elul can be expanded to translate: “I am my beloved’s and my beloved is mine,” Song of Songs 6:3. Indeed, we are His beloved and indeed He is ours!

The 40 days from the 1st of Elul (Rosh Chodesh Elul) to Yom Kippur is traditionally a time of spiritual preparation and self-examination for the High Holy Days of Rosh haShanah and Yom Kippur. This forty-day season is called Teshuvah (return or repentance). While this is not a Biblical holiday, it is important that we all examine our hearts and prepare ourselves for His upcoming Holy Days.

Many of us feel we live our lives pretty well. We are basically honest and upright citizens. Of course, we are quick to note that life has not always been fair with us; but, nevertheless, we are decent people. But is this enough? Do we let pride interfere with our service to G-d?

We all need to carefully examine our lives and our actions. Some maintain that the month before Rosh haShanah (Elul) allows us time to carefully focus and examine our hearts and actions. We have time to make those changes step-by-step. It’s not enough to mentally know and give assent to a truth. It goes back to our walk … moment by moment .. esp when we don’t “feel like doing it”

ACTION:  What areas does He want me to change or let go of? How can my walk more reflect my love for Him? … Please continue praying for Arab Christians – for their protection and for them to come to really know their Lord and Saviour…. Pray for protection physically and emotionally for Israelis.


“Precious heavenly Father. With expectation we come before You. Thank You for having brought us to another of Your seasons … Your High Holy Days. We worship You. Help us to surrender areas of our lives that are not pleasing to You. Help our walks to reflect our love for You in all we do. Give Israel strength and commitment to not cave into world pressure, but to overcome. Bring Your Shalom to Your Land. Protect the Arab Christians throughout the Middle East – bring true believers across their paths that they might really know their Lord and Saviour. Turn the hearts of Americans to You. In precious and holy Name of our soon-coming Messiah, Yeshua. Amen.”

IMMEDIATE Prayer Requests: 

1.      Pray for Israel! Decisiveness. Clarity of mind and determination of spirit. Protect the innocent – both Jew and Arab.

2.      Marita (Israel): time of refreshment and physical healing during her vacation.

3.      Chantell & Maggie (Les’a & Don’s daughter in law and sister in law): healing

4.      Maxine & Harriett(Jim’s mom): healing.

5.      John Evans: insurance and finances

6.      Step mom & fiancée of her brother (Tracy): emotional and physical healing

7.      PJ: total body healing.

8.      Continued healing Les’a, & Connie, Joe

9.      Jobs:Pamela, Norman G., PJ, Natan and his new military assignment.

10.   PROTECTION FOR ISRAEL – God will bring His peace to J’lem and all of Israel.