Gratitude … and the United States

There is a growing sentiment that supporting Israel is passé. We ought to be more politically correct and become anti-sematic. .Why is there so much hated? One reason is that true worship begins with a heart of gratitude … and gratitude is something that all Americans should have toward American Jews in particular, and in turn toward Israel. If it were not for a Jewish man named Haym Solomon, the United States probably would not be a nation today. His actions attest to his faith in his religion and in serving his country.

Financier of the American Revolution (Jonathan Mizrachi)

“If it wasn’t for Haym Solomon, we would all be talking with British accents, so which war did he help? The American revolutionary war.

“Haym Solomon came to this country as an immigrant from Poland. America was the first country in the modern era to give Jews equality. Much better than Poland. At the outbreak of the Revolutionary War there were only about 1,000 to 2,500 Jews in America. That’s about 1/10th of 1% of the population. They were concentrated in a handful of cities, and were educated and influential. When the British arrived, they arrested Haym as a spy. Very soon after, the British recognized that Haym’s ability to speak 6 languages would be useful to them, so they freed him and used him as a translator instead. Around this time there were German-speaking Hessian soldiers working with the British. Haym spoke to these soldiers in secret and convinced many to leave the British Army and, with the promise of free land, fight for the Revolution. Hmm – maybe the original British theory that he was a spy wasn’t so far wrong after all. He was forced to flee and went to Philadelphia where he became quite wealthy. Philadelphia, as you all remember, was essentially the capitol of the country and Congress met there. Yet these were early days in a new country and the government didn’t always pay the Congressmen. Haym Solomon often paid them. He continued in his generous role by helping to finance the war. But we aren’t talking $50 and a fancy hat; we are looking at over $600,000.

“Legend has it that George Washington asked Haym Solomon on Yom Kippur to help finance his raggedly clothed army. A religious Jew, he realized that serving his country was part of his religion, and he stopped the service until he collected enough pledges of support from the congregants, and THEN carried on with the service. American Revolutionary War financier dies broke

“Give till it hurts” – Haym Solomon gave so much that when he died at 45, he was broke.

“Even back in 1780, the government couldn’t repay people, and today the money he provided is worth today approximately, hold on to your chair now, over $39 billion dollars. His descendants tried to recover it in recent years – but were unsuccessful. Our government did make a stamp in his honor though. And there is a monument in Chicago, with him standing next to George Washington. (Others would argue it is a statue of George Washington, with some other dude next to him… but we know the real story).

“By the way – one piece of Jewish-Revolutionary trivia I learned during my research is that the Liberty Bell is inscribed with this quote: “”Proclaim liberty throughout all the land unto all the inhabitants thereof,” Lev 25:10. It is significant that a verse from the Torah appears on this American icon since Jews played an important role in the Revolutionary War. What do we learn from Haym Solomon ? That you can help win a war without picking up a sword or gun. And that you can use your brains, intellect and other resources to achieve great things.”

CHALLENGE: Through prayer we can change the course of history. Let’s be a part of changing history!

“Father, we thank You that You placed strategic men in our country to enable us to become a country, a bastion of freedom. We thank You for Your having directed Haym Solomon and his congregants to give to George Washington that we might win the American Revolution. We thank You for Jews today and for all the ways they have enriched our country. We bless You and we bless Israel. We ask that once again You intervene and save our country. In Your holy Name, we ask these things.”

IMMEDIATE Prayer Requests:
1. Pray for Israel!
2. Protection of the persecuted church.
3. Pray for America.
4. Deb: victory over overwhelming circumstances. Encouragement!! God will provide; prayer for wisdom and favor with all those involved in the decision-making. Protection from false accusations and that truth, victory, and peace will reign. That Deb’s spirit will be lifted up: that she will have the words and clarity of mind to accomplish what needs to be done. That there will be a miraculously successful outcome of fairness and provision for her future.
5. Connie: healing – total healing!
6. Jim: recovery knee replacement surgery, healing. That he will be pain-free.
7. Brother-in-Law (Norman George): healing
8. Shar: overcoming and sense of purpose
9. Tere: healing and wisdom
10. Carla: continued healing.
11. Prayer for wisdom and favor as we encounter suffering people.
13. REVIVAL in Arizona
14. FRIENDS: many of our friends are hurting physically and emotionally.