Guidelines for Writers
If My People…pray & act is a biblically focused publication designed to restore conservative Judeo-Christian ethics through education, prayer, and action.
The magazine is published, in print and online, four times a year. It includes investigative and opinion-based feature articles, world news analysis with in-depth background information, profiles of extraordinary people with masterful insight into world conditions, and book and movie reviews of and cultural or edifying significance. We print original articles and excerpts from both biblically-based books and articles that will expand our readers’ understanding of our current issues.
It is important that your article brings to our readers useful insight and knowledge that they desire during this exciting time in our world history.
Format, Documentation, Rights
- Submissions need to be sent via email attachment or on disk in MS Word doc (either .doc or .docx) format. If sending a disc, please include a hard copy and the file name.
- Writers should include their name, address, telephone number, and email address in the upper left-hand corner of the first page or in the email. The word count (200-800 words) and indication of rights offered should be included in the upper right-hand corner of the first page.
- Please include a picture of yourself (300 DPI), a short (30-75 words) biographical statement, plus pictures (300 DPI) which help illustrate the message of your article (include caption for pictures).
- Authors should provide an abstract of one paragraph, not to exceed 100 words.
- All manuscript submissions should follow the format of the MLA Style Manual. Please use endnotes rather than footnotes and cite references and sources in MLA format.
- When preparing a manuscript, please reference all Scripture quotations and enclose them in parentheses. Specify the translation used.
- When stating facts that might be questioned, please list your sources to further readers’ understanding. It is the responsibility of the author to provide us with accurate information.
- All copyright constraints should be noted. Authors are responsible for obtaining copyright permissions for previously published material and/or for quotes from books or other copyrighted material.
- Rights to publish in publication also include the right to reprint on our website.
- We will accept book excerpts and previously published materials with proper documentation for publication permission.
- Please do not send your article to another publication at the same time you have submitted it to us, or If My People … pray & act will not consider it for use.
- The editors reserve the right to edit and shorten articles as necessary. If we make major changes in content, we will consult with the writer. We reserve the right to kill any article. In addition, we may refuse to print any material at our discretion.
- Send articles:
Attention: Editor
If My People … pray & act
6336 N. Oracle Road #236-331
Tucson, AZ 85704 - Unsolicited submissions should include a self-addressed stamped envelope. We will make every attempt to return unsolicited manuscripts, photographs, and illustrations as quickly as possible; however, please note that we are not responsible for these. Also, please note that reading manuscripts can take up to eight weeks.