How a Seed of Faith Grows

Week 34, year 2! (Sunday-Shabbat)

[In the Call To Prayer, we having been talking about building our spiritual muscles – God has sent us on special ops mission. It’s amazing how God leads and directs our walks. One of our intercessors, as well as one of the Believers we help to support in Israel, wrote this excellent article. I encourage each of us to allow the tap root to go deep into our hearts – to continue praying and believing for that which He had laid on our hearts.].

Sometime ago I wanted to work for a Christian Ministry in Jerusalem, so I phoned my prayer partner Melissa about my immediate desire and asked her to pray for me. She suggested that we drive our cars to the Mall and find a quiet place to pray to God to open the right door. We met weekly, praying an hour each time. We continued to pray even after a year had gone by. One day I saw in a vision a little seed with a tap-root. I turned to Melissa and said, “God just answered my prayers.” So she asked me what I meant. So I told her about my vision and soon I would be in Jerusalem. In the vision I saw a very long tap-root growing from a seed and it was long enough that fruit would soon develop. The fruit of our praying was a door opening for me to work for the right Christian Ministry, which proved very fruitful in my life for many years. Faith has to go downward before fruit appears upward. [and a few months later, Marita did in fact, return to Jerusalem!]

All these months of praying the tap-root was growing and maturing, and God allowed me to see how faith grows from a little seed. I researched the meaning of a tap-root and discovered that it develops from a radical of a seed, forming the primary root. A tap-root is an enlarged, somewhat straight to tapering plant root

that grows downward. It forms a center from which other roots sprout laterally. There is a one main root (the primary root) that is larger than the lateral roots. It continues to grow vertically for a long period of time. Tap-roots can grow deep to “mine” for water and minerals. Once the tap-root is firmly established, the branches start sprouting and fruit will appear.

Spiritually, if you keep watering the seed with the word of God, He will cause the tap-root to grow and eventually bear much fruit. You, being faithful to pray, working in partnership with God will cause faith to explode into substance.

“Now faith is the substance of things hoped for, the evidence of things not seen.” (Hebrews 11:1) of the house of Israel will again take root downward and bear fruit upward.”

Mighty Lord, You continue to amaze us! How beautifully You orchestrate the chessboard pieces of our lives! Thank You for the good reports that many received this week. You answer prayers in a way only You can – thank You, Lord, for leading and guiding us. Thank You for Your working in each of the situations for which we are praying. Heal the backs of many, heal family members, give Your perfect direction, heal marriages, turn the eyes of our children to You. Bring revival to our country and to Israel. Help us to stand strong with Israel. We worship You, our heavenly Father. In Your holy Name, we pray. .”

Continued special prayer for pastors: Angela Cheetham had this word from the Lord: “As the world becomes hard to dwell in, the weight of it lands on many Pastors shoulders. These are testing and trying times, we need to keep our Pastors and Rabbis in prayer. Strength, wisdom, guidance in leadership, fruitfullness from YHWH (GOD) word and upholding their faith need to be established. They are the pillars and need to be upholded. Yeshua/Jesus needs to be the centre and the purpose of the church. Pastors are people too, being a Pastor doesn't make them perfect. There will be a great falling away, and those preaching the TRUTH need your PRAYERS.” [On behalf of all pastors who are studying and preaching God’s Word, we say thank you for your prayers, love, and faithfulness!)

IMMEDIATE Prayer Requests:

1.      PROTECTION FOR ISRAEL – God’s will bring His peace to J’lem and all of Israel.


3.      FAMILIES – FAMILIES – FAMILIES: God will bring families together. Spirit of division will cease.

4.      Marriages; children; families. Family members who are far off will return and serve God.

5.      Jessica (Lori & Jim’s daughter): return to the God of her youth – of her parents.

6.      Heal backs and bodies: PJ, Lori, Paul, Maxine & Joe, Les’a’s mom,  Phyllis, Bonnie, Deb, John – Father, we pray Your divine touch on each of us!

7.      Heal finances: give us Your direction how to spend money, we pray that this year, You will enable us to be debt-free, including our housing! Heal the finances of our children.

8.      Jobs (Lori, Dawn’s ‘grandson’, Debbie’s daughter, Betty, Art’s son, Les’a and Don’s daughter in law): favor and wisdom. God will open the doors to jobs where they can prosper (emotionally, physically, and financially)

9.      Marita (in Israel): healing. Anointing as she ministers in deed and prayer.

10.  Power to overcome temptations.

11.  Dennis: wisdom for direction after retirement

12.  Daughter (Debbie & Dennis): wisdom regarding employment.

13.  Bonnie: healing, vitality – no more health issues

14.  Bruce (Maxine’s brother in law): prostate and thyroid cancer. Healing and revelation of the Messiah.

15.  Joe: healing

16.  Paul: total restoration: at new facility on eastside which has respiratory therapy. Pray for mental alertness and pain in back to diminish.

17.  Isaiah (Phyllis’ grandson): emotional healing and physical protection from bullies. That You will give him a heart of compassion and a desire to serve You all of his days. That he will have favor & excitement when he goes to his new school after their move. Phyllis also requests prayer for the bullies.

18.  Murray: broken foot; god-son to be re-fucused.

19.  Brother (Murray): healing spiritually and physically.

20.  Jordan (Les’a and Don’s friend son): Naval seaman just deployed. Safety and drawing to the Lord

21.  Mark (Ann & Geo Stevens’ son): diagnosis for the bleeding episodes; healing from COPD and neuropathy. Approval to move into handicapped apartment. Hope!

22.  Tracy: healing of migraine, numbness on left side of head

23.  Leonard (Phyllis brother): kidney action to be resumed; doctors to determine problem.

24.  David (Bev & Ruben): repentance, deliverance.

25.  Brother (Bev): healing from massive heart attack and salvation

26.  Nephew (Bev & Ruben): Believer diagnosed with leukemia.

27.  Amy, Debbie, Charity (Debbie & Dennis): prayer for resolving emotional scars of past which are affecting extended family relationships.

28.  Friend (Norman G): able to conceive a child

29.  Joanne (Dawn): 84 yrs and not well. Please pray for her salvation

30.  Ron (Debbie & Dennis): light stroke; no apparent damage; air lifted to UMC. Prayer for total restoration.

31.  Friends and family (Deb): close relationship with the Messiah

32.  Pamela & Norman: finances. That we ALL will be debt-free by 12/31/2013!

33.  Tere: 2-year legal proceeding regarding mother’s care to come to a close quickly. And with a positive outcome.

34.  Prayer for our soldiers: spiritually, mentally, physically, and emotionally whole!

35.  Jordan (Les’a & Don): Navy Sailor – prayer for him & his family.

36.  Kyle (Yvonne’s son): heart to the Lord – heaviness of depression to lift.

37.  Debbie & Dennis (& us all!!): God will lead and guide our footsteps and use us to minister to others.

38.  Cynthia: lawsuit against her parents and their food bank ministry. Pray suit will be dropped & healing will result.

Read ALLHe is doing this year through prayer!

·         Embryonic steps our children are making toward the Lord!! Hallelujah!

·         Lori: positive report from doctor – prayer for a new job without lifting – that doesn’t strain her back..

·         Joan (Les’a’s mother): excellent report from neurologist – no surgery.

·         Baby Addy (Betty & Harold’s granddaughter): excellent report from cardiologist – no return visit for 9 months! Holes in heart are closing..

·         Mark (Ann’s son): doctors have direction; he is feeling better!

·         God is giving CFS a reputation for being a praying congregation – and people are looking forward to miracles wrought as a result of our prayers! Isn’t our King wonderful to use “us”!

·         One of the believers whom we help to support: said she is focusing this year on intercession and CFS! WOW! That’s exciting!

·         God showed us many, many baby steps of answers He’s bringing about in the lives of our loved ones! Hallelujah!

·         Paul: Yesterday, Paul was able to stand on his own weight for 7 minutes! Back pain remains the issue. Lynn said that she “is tired, lonely, and scared.” Let us continue praying for Paul’s back; his drive to overcome; Lynn’s encouragement; for total restoration..

·         Mom (Tracy’s): safely arrived in the US.

·         Bonnie: becoming stronger.She is able to work full time. Let us continue praying for her total healing and God’s perfect timing for her to return to work.. (She survived a 7-hour heart attack! And with only minor heart damage! And, He has granted her heart’s desire: she will not have open heart surgery! Out of the hospital – her doc was amazed at how much better she looked than she had 3 weeks before!)

·         Flu/Cold symptoms: healing and health for our loved ones.

·         Joan (Les’a’s mom): great report from spinal doctor. Physical therapy is immediate direction, rather than surgery – a true answer to her prayers! She is getting stronger everyday – walked a mile in physical therapy Friday!

·         Maxine: out of the hospital and doing well. feeling soo much better! Did not have any compressions fractures!

·         Bev & Ruben: huge answers to prayer. Pray David follows thru with his direction.

·         Phyllis & family arrived in Ohio. They had a good trip! Nevertheless, we miss her! Danielle was able to purchase a beautiful double-wide home. Phyllis is going to service Sat!!

·         Connie: found a new home!

·         Granddaughter (Betty & Harold): born healthy!

·         Rudy (Les’a’s friend’s son): cracked skull resulting in major mental complications – improvement and is able to have work. His mother is grateful for the prayers and is amazed at his healing.

·         Rhonda & Norm: the Lord brought order out of chaos!

·         Paul: even little setbacks, God uses! Paul is back at HealthSouth!

·         Nephew (Les’a): serious auto accident with car’s being totaled. His outlook is great!

·         Maxine: trip was fantastic!

·         Krinskys: home has sold and they are getting ready to move.

·         Interviews (Dawn’s ‘grandson’ and Debbie’s daughter): God to open doors to jobs

·         David (Bev & Ruben): he is fulfilling court obligations. Pray for total deliverance and repentance.

·         Danielle (Phyllis): excellent report – no cancer!

·         Somewhat estranged son (John): initiated a visit!! Visit was good!

·         Phyllis: feeling better!

·         Lord is orchestrating timing!

·         Becca (Tracy’s friend): surgery successful and, after a month in physical therapy, is able to go home! Prayer for salvation.

·         Tere: trip was amazing!

·         Danielle (Phyllis’ daughter): surgery successful – no malignancy. Doing amazingly!!!

·         Jim’s nephew: able to return to work in record time!! (accident and all facial bones, except jaw, were broken.)

·         Steve (Pamela’s friend): successful surgery & desire to be discipled.

·         PJ: truth verified regarding his physical situation.

·         Yom Kippur fast: several commented this was their first fast & it was very special.

·         Janet: during Yom Kippur fast received word that her art was accepted in a festival!

·         Maxine & Joe: trip was refreshing.

·         Leonard (Phyllis’ brother) is out of the hospital!

·         Jim: trip was fruitful.

·         Pamela: strained back: able to work.

·         John (Phyllis): going to AA everyday and is determined to make good decisions. He and his wife are speaking!! Hallelujah!!

·         Harold: a fantastic word about his new job!!! TYJ!

·         Maxine’s baptism: amazing and refreshing for all – especially her!

·         Debbie’s and Dennis’ trips to see families: very good.

·         Deb: trip to ABQ to see father, was very specialtime & experiences during visit, & seeds of love, devotion, & hope were planted.

·         Daughter (Tere): successful out-patient surgery to remove fatty tissue cyst on leg.

·         Joe: procedure: revealed no problems! Prayers they determine what is causing him the pain.

·         Ramon (Krinskys): PSA count went from 4.0 to 0.0!! Doctor was extremely pleased and said he didn’t need to see him for 6 months.

·         Bob (Maxine & Joe’s friend): excellent report from Mayo Clinic– cancer is in remission!!!

·         Adriana (Yvonne’s sister): appears to continue doing better. Prayers that she continues with treatment.

·         Betty& Harold: new jobs!

·         Les’a & Don: God healed our water softener – repairman asked his Bible study to agree with himJ

·         Family members are opening to the Word and prayer!

·         Matthew (Frank): decided to stay in rehab!! Pray for total deliverance.

·         Frank’s trip: good report

·         Olympic Runner Paul Ryan: announces God is his coach

·         Gabby Douglas: gives God glory for her Olympic gold medals in gymnastics.

·         Many little signs of His involvement in various situations all week – He is continuing to move – and we get to be part!!!!! Yes, we are His elite soldiers!

·         Jeff (Paul & Lynn’s son): GRE tests went very well!

·         Jeannette: camping was trip great with unexpected blessings.

·         Sylvia Powell (friend of Jeannette): family adjusting well without her.

·         Suzi (Jeannette’s friend): recovering from knee replacement – pray for continued healing.

·         Hawkins (soldier friend of Natan’s who was hurt in explosion in Afghanistan): he is doing well.

·         Infant Maxwell (parents are missionaries to Poland): 10 weeks old and over 12 pounds. Still tired and sleeps nearly all day, but nursing well. Pray his heart shows improvement, so he can go off meds. The family is “forever and a day grateful that you prayed for his life!”

·         Norman G: finished back taxes!

·         Bonnie: huge blessing regarding work hours.

·         Maxine: pain-free

·         Maxine & Joe: trip was fantastic

·         Marita: “Prayer Tools on your website is very popular.” It is being read in Israel, South Africa & France and is being translated into Spanish!!! May His Word continue to go forth!

·         Brian (Paul): received the Lord! Pray Brian turns to God for comfort during his grieving.

·         Men’s meeting: good food; great fellowship; interesting discussion. – if you’re a guy, don’t miss the next meeting!

·         Operation Jericho answers are coming!

·         Lori received medical report showing improvement!! Pray for 100% healing.

·         Natan returned from 3rd deployment.

·         Jim received an excellent report from doctor!!!

·         Bonnie: mechanical miracle with medical device – huge blessing!

·         God again spared Natan and others from insidious attacks by the enemy – an explosion was only 40 meters away. (As Natan put it, had it been closer it would have been a ‘bad day’!)

·         Quinton (Art’s grandson): born healthy!

·         Family reunions continue to occur – pray that they will all be joyous!! To date, good reports from all reunions!!

·         Lori (Norman G’s daughter): approval at new job. Please pray for housing.

·         Pamela and Norman: have work – hallelujah! Let us pray they have divine appointments– & full schedules!

·         Friend (Dawn): Court ruled earthly justice. Pray for emotional and spiritual healing for all.

·         Bonnie: family visit was excellent

·         Don: trip for his mom’s 90th bday was terrific!

·         Les’a: unexpected financial blessing (insurance company suddenly paid 100% of $219 vaccine, which previously they would said they would not!) TYL! – let us continue to pray we will all be debt-free, except for housing, by the end of 2012.

·         Lynn Mann: healing from foot surgery.


Families (all of our families):

  • To be whole and walk in the ways of the Lord!
  • God to continue strengthening and building family relationships!
  • Josiah D: favor, protection & a heart like King David.
  • God would bring godly helpmates and partners in ministry: T (Les’a & Don’s friend & a man of God), Cynthia, etc.


  • Marita (in Israel): prayer for total healing from kidney stones. She does much for the Kingdom!
  • Jeff & Paul (Paul & Lynn Mann): healing from knee surgeries.
  • Krys (Les’a’s co-worker’s husband): serious problems caused by Parkinson's.
  • Susie (Bonnie): from previous cervical fusion, one of the screws started migrating and was pushing at her esophagus threatening a puncture. Prayer for recovery from surgery and acceptance of Jesus.
  • Bud (Tracy’s father): continued healing; insurance issues resolved.
  • Bonnie: healing with oxygen levels.
  • Christopher & Liz (Maxine): she has ovarian cancer, resulting in financial problems. Pray for encouragement.
  • Bob & Pat (Maxine & Joe): healing.

Call to Prayer intercessors:

  • Debt-free by the end of 2012!
  • Intercessors for The Call To Prayer: wisdom and tenacity to continue on to see victory!


  • Favor & wisdom in the work force: We would be excellent in the work place – even as Joseph, Daniel, etc. were – blessings to the companies because we are there!
  • Deb and all those who not listedGod will give them fulfilling & rewarding employment where they will have great favor!

Relationship with our Lord:

  • 5 grandchildren (Debbie & Dennis): to know the salvation and love of Yeshua.
  • David (Bev & Ruben): his mom’s request “he quickly come to the end of himself and look up. Protection for him and all of his family.” Warfare is intense.
  • Keith (Dawn’s grandson): come to the God of his parents and grandmother


  • The hearts of Americans: turn to God! Our land will be healed.
  • Peace of Jerusalem!


  • Natan (Les’a and Don’s son and his family) & our soldiers:
  • Pray for wisdom, accuracy, and knowledge. God will bring them home whole: spiritually, mentally, physically, and emotionally. And God will be with their families.


  • God’s wisdom, power, anointing, and favor.

PRAYERS OF THE RIGHTEOUS BRING GREAT RESULTS:read a summation of what our LORDdid last year!!

1.      He has miraculously saved lives physically and spiritually.

2.      He has healed many from surgeries and sicknesses.

3.      He intervened and a 7-week premature baby was born healthy and continues to thrive a year later.

4.      He is mending many, manyfamily relationships.

5.      He opened doors where there were none.

6.      He has provided many with employment.

7.      He has touched finances.

8.      He has protected our soldier.

9.      He has taught us to be consistent and persevering in prayer.

On the website are specific answers from year 1 of Call To Prayer