Message handouts

——————— 2025 Messages ———————

Pastor Don Cole (2025 series handouts)

SERIES: It’s About Israel: Romans 9-11

  1. It’s about Israel: Arrogance Toward Israel (01-25-2025)
  2. It’s about Israel: It’s YHVH’s Decision (02-14-2025)
  3. It’s about Israel:It’s YHVH’s Decision (02-22-2025)

Other 2025 messages (Pastor Don Cole)

Pastor Jim Robeson (2025 message handouts)

Pastor Norman George (2025 message handouts)

——————— 2024 Messages ———————


Pastor Don Cole (2024 series handouts)

SERIES: Torah & The Apostolic Scriptures (06-19-2024 thru 10-05-2024)

  1. Peter’s vision, part 1 (06-19-2024)
  2. The Great Debate In Jerusalem, part 2 (06-27-2024)
  3. The Great Debate In Jerusalem – Acts 15, continued, part 3 (07-15-2024)
  4. Covenant of Circumcision or Pagan Requirements , part 4 (07-27-2024)
  5. Obedience to YHVH’s Word or Paganism, part 5 (08-10-2024)
  6. Obedience to YHVH’s Word or Paganism, part 5b (08-19-2024)
  7. Is Colossians 2 about Food, Festivals, New Moon, and Sabbaths? part 6 (08-31-2024 & 09-07-2024)
  8. You are not under law but under grace, part 7 (09-21-2024)
  9. You are not under the law but under grace, part 7b (09-28-2024)
  10. The Torah & the Apostolic Scriptures, part 7c … only 6% !!??!! (10-05-2024)

Earthly & Heavenly Sanctuary: Hebrews 7 & 8 (11-16-2024 thru 12-24-2025 )

  1. Earthly & Heavenly Sanctuary (Heb 7-8), part 1 (11-16-2024)
  2. Earthly & Heavenly Sanctuary (Heb 7-8), part 2 (11-17-2024)
  3. Earthly & Heavenly Sanctuary (Heb 7-8), part 3 (11-22-2024)
  4. Earthly & Heavenly Sanctuary (Heb 7-8) part 4 – Sanctification Leads to Atonement (12-16-2024)
  5. Earthly & Heavenly Sanctuary (Heb 7-8) part 5 – Understanding Atonement (12-22-2024)

Pastor Don Cole (other 2024 message handouts)

Pastor Norman George (2024 message handouts)

Pastor Jim Robeson (2024 message handouts)