Prayer Focus week 48 (Sunday-Shabbat)

What is a mother? She is one who either birthed us physically or helps us mature spiritually. She is a mentor. She is someone with whom we can share our deepest concerns. She is someone who will not give us merely “feel good” answers but one who will tell us what His Word says. She encourages us to stay the course.

The first commandment with a promise is to "Honor your father and your mother, as the LORDyour God has commanded you, so that you may live long and that it may go well with you in the land the LORDyour God is giving you,” Deut 5:16 NIV.

Have we given full respect to our mothers in the faith and to our earthly mothers? Do we need to reach out and show appreciation or to make amends?

Scripture doesn’t say for us to honor only those mothers who deserve it; the Torah doesn’t qualify what type of mother we are to honor. It simply states that we all are to honor our mothers. Indeed it is true that none of us has been a perfect mother. We would all do some things differently if given the opportunity. (Praise God for His forgiveness, because each of us did the best we could do with what we knew at the time. “Lord, we ask that You help each of us to forgive those who offended us. We also pray that those whom we’ve hurt will forgive us as well.”)

Fringe benefit of following His commands: we will live long and it will be well with us! (and, oops! there is a strong consequence of not following: “And Jesus replied, ‘And why do you break the command of God for the sake of your tradition? For God said, ‘Honor your father and mother’ and ‘Anyone who curses their father or mother is to be put to death,’” Matt 15:3-4, NIV.)

And for each of our grandchildren we claim they will walk in the fullness of God’s Word. We are reminded of the sincere faith that has dwelt in you, their grandmother … “and now, I am sure, dwells in you [our grandchildren] as well,” 2Tim 1:5, ESV. Yes, together, we stand believing that the faith He has borne in each of us will also dwell in our grandchildren!

Prayer: we are blessed to be allowed to intercede for the needs. Some answers come within a few days, others may take weeks or months. Regardless of what we see with our natural eyes, HE is working. We need to continue to be faithful inintercession!

Thank You, heavenly Father for having given us mothers – mentors. Those who help us. Help us to learn Your good and holy ways. Bless these precious women! These heroes! Help us to show them our love and appreciation. We also pray for our children and grandchildren – thank You for them who made us moms! We pray for forgiveness of any wrong we or our mothers did. We continue to pray for Your healing touch on those who are struggling physically and emotionally. from Protect Natan and our soldiers – bring them home spiritually, mentally, physically, and emotionally whole. In your most Holy Name, we pray.”

Hallelujah: lots are great action THIS week!

  • Maxine: excellent report from her kidney doctor!
  • Natan: prayerfully is on his final rotation prior to his return home!HALLELUJAH!!!
  • Maggie (Les’a sister in law): she and family are able to travel to see family! (An undertaking that 2 weeks ago seemed impossible)
  • Pro-Israel African pastor who went to Israel for treatment from acid’s being poured on his face, which caused his to lose an eye: Israel covered $100,000 of his treatment!!
  • Bobby (Yonah’s husband): awakened from a sound sleep with the awareness that immediate prayer was needed for Natan. Praise God for hearing ears!
  • Pamela & Norman: God is providing work – still need a little more, but part-time jobs are coming!!
  • Brother (Frank): able to walk again!!
  • God is moving in finances and is getting people out of debt!
  • 4-year old great niece (Bonnie): leg surgery and she will be able to walk without braces and with straight legs!!
  • Nicole (Rhonda and Norm's daughter): pain is gone – still some facial paralysis – took an out of town field trip!
  • Danielle (Phyllis' daughter): God opened the door for her to move into a townhouse!
  • Rudy (Les’a’s customer’s friend, who, months ago, cracked his entire skull from a fall): is doing much better. After months of hospitalization, he is home! His mother thanked everyone be for their prayers!!
  • Donna (Les’a’s associate’s daughter, who mysteriously became ill (for over a week, she was listed as the most critical patient at St. Joseph’s): she no longer needs leg braces.Huge miracles!!!
  • God has given very, very special times with family members: Debbie (Maxine), Keith (Dawn), Yonah & Chantell (Les’a & Don), Rohit (Lori & Jim), and Lisa (Bev & Ruben)
  • Rhonda’s work is going well!
  • Jeannette’s pain dramatically reduced – almost totally gone!
  • Our miracle baby (Josiah) said: Abba!!!
  • Alan (Tracy’s brother): issue resolved!
  • Art: settled in his new home
  • Marita: has been in Israel for 7 weeks. Where it appeared there was no door, God opened one!
  • Paul: knee replacement surgery went amazingly well. He is stronger everyday!
  • Families are drawing together!!
  • Bob (Chantell’s grandfather): thumb is much better, which was caught in a tractor engine.
  • (Yvonne’s friend): breast cancer surgery: much less invasion than expected. Prayer no malignant cells in lymph nodes. She becomes a believer.
  • FINANCIAL MIRACLE: Danielle (Phyllis’ daughter): DEBT MIRACLE! She received back-pay, finally!, and was able to get a working car!!
  • FINANCIAL MIRACLE: Joan (Les’a’s mother): huge financial blessing – totally unexpected. (Each homeowner was to be assessed $1200 for termite treatment. The company was so impressed with homeowners’ integrity by homeowners reminding company of not being billed. Company reduced the price to $535 and extended warranty almost an extra full year!!)
  • FINANCIAL MIRACLE: Tere received unexpected financial blessing.
  • Jon (Phyllis’ son): reading his Bible, praying, going to church and AA. He also said he plans on doing everything he can to better himself while he is in prison!
  • Lori: Miracles have happened at work!
  • Brother (Phyllis): continues going to a Messianic congregation!
  • Don: shingles gone! No pain!
  • Joan’s steadiness: better every week!!
  • Aunt (Paul’s wife): at peace with her Messiah!!
  • Natan’s unit: God’s protection continues!

Requests: (please email updates on these situations)… we blessed to be allowed to intercede for these!Some answers to prayer come within a few days, others may take weeks or months. Regardless of what we see with our natural eyes, HE is working. We need to continue to be faithful in our intercession! Reminder: Don’t forget to email answers – even baby steps are answers!

  • All our mothers, both spiritually and physically, will be blessed.
  • Soldiers: activity is escalating: please pray for sound mind, safety, protection, and calm.
  • Sharlene (Bonnie): lost her job Friday. Please pray for favor for job hunting and for doors of opportunity to open.
  • Susie (Bonnie): from previous cervical fusion, one of the screws started migrating and was pushing at her esophagus threatening a puncture. Had surgery Thursday. Prayer for recovery and acceptance of Jesus.
  • African pastor who went to Israel for treatment: acid had been poured on his face and he lost one eye: the rest of money to come in and healing.
  • Pastor to have increased compassion; wife to be healed of various issues. Anointing as they minister to drug addicts, the down and out, the hurting.
  • Jobs (Pamela, Norman, Betty, Deb, Sharlene, Lori, and all those who not listed): those who need work. That God will give them fulfilling and rewarding employment where they will have great favor!
  • Bud (Tracy’s father): 2 tumors, and another one that is pre-cancerous.
  • Nicole (Rhonda and Norm): some facial paralysis from Bells Palsy to leave!
  • Joe: total healing
  • Ruben: PSA count to come back down
  • Bonnie: healing with oxygen levels
  • Betty and Harold: traveling mercies & healing of Betty’s foot.
  • Joan (Les’a): not wobbly as a result of medicine.
  • Christopher & Liz (Maxine): she has ovarian cancer, resulting in financial problems. Pray for encouragement
  • Bob & Pat (Maxine & Joe): healing
  • Phyllis, John, and Rhonda, total healing.
  • Yvonne: that the Lord’s spirit will continually cleanse her work place.
  • Jeannette: Pray for complete recovery from surgery and total eye & pituitary gland healing.
  • David (Bev & Ruben): his mom’s request “he quickly come to the end of himself and look up. Protection for him and all of his family.” Warfare is intense.
  • Leonard (Phyllis’ brother): chemo 24/7; radiation M-F: healing and peace
  • Prayer for our soldiers safety and for the hearts of morale for these soldiers who have lost fellow soldiers
  • Call to Prayer intercessors: Debt-free by the end of 2012!
  • Betty & Harold’s friend: brain tumor stage 4. Cancer.
  • Paul: knee continued healing.
  • Christine’s mom (Bev and Ruben’s friend): very ill. Prayer for total healing.
  • Prayer for intercessors who are hurting because of the challenges their loved ones are facing
  • Families– that God will bring families into a tight bond in Him.
  • Tina (Phyllis’ daughter-in-law): turn heart and life to the LORD; peace and direction
  • Joan (Joan’s friend): collapsed lung.
  • Phyllis: son (in jail).
  • Tracy & others: healing from intense migraines.
  • Diane (Jeannette’s friend): shingles on face and in eyes – very painful!!!
  • Natan: please pray he can enter green-to-gold program.
  • Paul: upcoming total knee and pre-surgery complications.
  • Hurting hearts & bodies would be healed.
  • Carol (Maxine’s friend): lump in rib.
  • 2012: wisdom and self-control that we can all achieve financial freedom.
  • Jeanne (Bonnie’s friend): stage 4 ovarian cancer. Salvation and healing with the understanding it was God Who healed her.
  • Phyllis & Dawn: continued prayer for total healing of their knees.
  • John: continued health and financial challenges.
  • Keith (Dawn’s grandson): come to the God of his parents and grandmother.
  • Debbie and family (Maxine’s daughter and grandkids): prayer for their healing as they transition to life without Matt. Also, for Frank and family during their transition wirhhout Judy. And for Karen and kids with their loss of Fred.
  • Rudy (Les’a’s friend): cracked skull resulting in major mental complications.
  • Financial needs.
  • God to continue strengthening and building family relationships!
  • The hearts of Americans: turn to God!
  • God will protect our soldiers – that He will give them wisdom.
  • Natan (Les’a and Don’s son and his family): Pray for wisdom, accuracy, and knowledge. God will bring them home whole: spiritually, mentally, physically, and emotionally. And God will be with their families.
  • Families(all of our families): to be whole and walk in the ways of the Lord!
  • Grandson: pray that his mom and her boyfriend treat him with love.
  • Marriages to be healed.
  • Jon: That God intervenes and places him where he will be encouraged to make good decisions, impacting his family for good.
  • God’s protection over Israel
  • David: return to the God of his youth — that his family will be encouraged.
  • Healing of family relationships.
  • Intercessors for The Call To Prayer: wisdom and tenacity to continue on to see victory!
  • God’spower, anointing, and favor on pastors.
  • Sheri: migraines would permanently leave.
  • Peace of Jerusalem!
  • Debt-free in 2012!
  • Pima County Sheriff's department.
  • Those who need jobs will get jobs — God-chosen jobs.
  • Deb: migraines and onslaught of the enemy.
  • Need total & complete healing for hearts of my family that are wounded; forgiveness for offenses; & new found understanding & commitment to family, restoration & unity
  • Need for increased income with wisdom & self-control, in order to pay off credit card/legal fees.
  • Josiah D.: favor, protection & a heart like King David.
  • Favor & wisdomin the work force: We would be excellent in the work place – even as Joseph, Daniel, etc. were – blessings to the companies because we are there!
  • Bob: special prayer for physical healing.
  • God will healour land
  • Three sisters to meet godly men.
  • Children will stop runningand will turn to God.
  • Corbin (Jim’s acquaintance): God will open his eyes to accept Jesus as his Lord and that he will accept the word of God.
  • God will supply the needs of those in ministry.
  • A’s daughter in law: her heart, drawn to her husband; she will receive info from her father-in-law,that the Lord would place believers in her path.
  • A’s relationship with his daughter: healing and mending of hearts.    
  • A’s Medicare situation to be straightened out – to his financial benefit. And for doctors to find the right solution to his health issues.
  • T (Les’a & Don’s friend & a man of God): the Lord would bring him the perfect helpmate – to share his life and to be a partner in ministry.