Operation Jericho — mission 2

Week 6, year 2! (Sunday-Shabbat)

What is Operation Jericho?

It is Believers uniting together with the purpose of seeing walls of chaos, discouragement, spiritual blindness, discord fall down. Even as the wall around Jericho fell, and the Berlin Wall came down, our sovereign Lord will  bring down these walls thru prayer and fasting.

Everyone agrees there is much havoc going on around us. Confusion, frustration, overwhelm on many levels — not just surrounding us, Believers, but surrounding people in general. (I’m suspecting that things are going to be intense from now until the time of the election.)

Last week we saw victories – but more are needed. Many feel the need to continue our “search and destroy mission” of loosing the captives, the stranglehold that many who are weak in the faith are experiencing.

Mission 2 objective: our country and revival.

if my people, who are called by my name, will humble themselves and pray and seek my face and turn from their wicked ways, then will I hear from heaven and will forgive their sin and will heal their land,” 2 Chron 7:14, NIV.

Yet another example of how our country needs our intercession is the Aurora tragedy. The Father instructs that IF (the condition follows) HIS PEOPLE (not those who do not know Him) but if His people will humble themselves, pray, seek His face, and turn from our sin – then He will forgive and heal our land!

Yes, this is our Father’s heart to see this country healed, revival in our land, and that this country will once again become the “light on the hill”, emanating His Word. (Confirmation of Mission 2 came Friday morning. One of our special ops intercessory soldiers asked if we could pray & fast for our country and revival. And she didn’t know what I'd written the night before!! Yes, our heavenly Commander is leading and guiding us.)

We must recognize His voice. And we must also be aware and recognize our enemy’s tactics. It is he  who is trying to wear us down and discourage us from continuing to pray for the walls to come down. But our Lord’s battle plan is victorious! He will bring the break-through, but we must be steady and continue pressing forward.

What can we do to combat personal attacks and to move forward during this mission?

1.       #1, Recognize the havoc on us personally is an attack from the evil one. The enemy intends to dissuade us from our mission.

2.       Stay close to the Lord. Don’t allow satan to discourage and depress.

3.       Partake in a partial fast: Give up any food/drink that is a “love” of yours. It is a point of determination to see His victory.

4.       1Cor 10:13: “No temptation has overtaken you but such as is common to man; and God is faithful, who will not allow you to be tempted beyond what you are able, but with the temptation will provide the way of escape also, so that you will be able to endure it.”

5.       On a natural level, don’t get overly tired (we are more susceptible to attacks from the enemy when we are overly tired).

6.       Remember: our Lord is moving! He is positioning/orchestrating the pieces of the chessboard of all our lives for His glory!

Our love & prayers are with you!!!!! May we have eyes to see His victories. (Some may be tiny and others huge, but He is moving!)

“Heavenly Father, our sovereign Commander, thank You for having commissioned us! These last couple of years, You have been strengthening our spiritual muscles and readying us for battle. Thank You for allowing us to be partakers with You in breaking down these walls. We continue to pray for our country. Lord, heal our land. We continue to ask for Your forgiveness, that we might see our country healed. Lead, guide, and direct our leaders. We pray that your wisdom will reign in Israel – that she will act as You direct. Bring Your peace to this tiny piece of troubled Land. Thank You for having brought Natan and many of our soldiers home safely. Continue helping them to transition into ‘life back home’. Bring peace to their homes. Be with and protect the soldiers who are still in combat. Heal our intercessors. Give Your discernment to all of the special ops intercessory soldiers – protect their minds and spirits. In Your holy and precious Name, we pray.”

Read what He is doing this year through prayer!

1.      Bonnie: huge blessing regarding work hours.

2.      Marita: “Prayer Tools on your website is very popular.” It is being read in Israel, South Africa & France and is being translated into Spanish!!! May His Word continue to go forth!

3.      Brian (Paul): received the Lord! Pray Brian’s wife, who is in hospice, will also receive the Lord.

4.      Men’s first meeting: good food; great fellowship; interesting discussion. – if you’re a guy, don’t miss the next meeting!

5.      Operation Jericho answers are coming!

6.      David (Bev & Ruben): went to detox. Pray for total deliverance.

7.      Lori received medical report showing improvement!! Pray for 100% healing.

8.      Natan came home last week! Thank you for your prayers for his safety and continued prayers for his re-entry into family life.

9.      Jim received an excellent report from doctor!!!

10.  Infant Maxwell (parents aremissionaries to Poland): went home from the hospital from life-threatening serious infections/viruses! Continued healing.

11.  Cecelia (Yvonne’s 12-year old niece): her body was ravaged by cancer! Showing signs of progress – believing for total healing.Pray for her total healing – is in ICU for dialysis

12.  Bonnie: mechanical miracle with medical device – huge blessing!

13.  God again spared Natan and others from insidious attacks by the enemy – an explosion was only 40 meters away. (As Natan put it, had it been closer it would have been a ‘bad day’!)

14.  Quinton (Art’s grandson): born healthy!

15.  Family reunions continue to occur – pray that they will all be joyous!! To date, good reports from all reunions!!

16.  Lori (Norman G’s daughter): approval at new job. Please pray for housing.

17.  Pamela and Norman have work – hallelujah! Let us pray they have divine appointments– & full schedules!

18.  (Dawn) Court ruled earthly justice. Pray for emotional and spiritual healing for all.

19.  Bonnie: family visit was excellent

20.  Don: trip for his mom’s 90th bday was terrific!

21.  Les’a: unexpected financial blessing (insurance company suddenly paid 100% of $219 vaccine, which previously they would said they would not!) TYL! – let us continue to pray we will all be debt-free, except for housing, by the end of 2012.

22.  Lynn Mann: continued healing from foot surgery.

Listen to what our LORD did last year!!

1.      He has miraculously saved lives physically and spiritually.

2.      He has healed many from surgeries and sicknesses.

3.      He intervened and a 7-week premature baby was born healthy and continues to thrive a year later.

4.      He is mending many, manyfamily relationships.

5.      He opened doors where there were none.

6.      He has provided many with employment.

7.      He has touched finances.

8.      He has protected our soldier.

9.      He has taught us to be consistent and persevering in prayer.

Prayer: Are we willing to continue your commitment to praying 15 minutes a day for a year? Reminder: Don’t forget even baby steps are answers!

·             Prayers for our country and revival.

·             Prayers for victims and their families in the heinous movie theater shootingin Aurora, CO.

·             Prayer for victims and their families of the heinous acts of terror against Israeli tourists in Bulgaria.

·             Tere: 2-year legal proceeding regarding mother’s care to come to a close quickly. And with a positive outcome.

·             Leonard (Phyllis): intense pain after colostomy & tumor removal surgery. Biopsy results known later – pray, please.

·             Phyllis & Maxine: pain-free, energy, and vitality.

·             Young care-giver (Pamela): hospital with serious issues.

·             Maxine & Joe: traveling mercies – fantastic trip to see family.

·             Family (Jeannette): camping trip – safety, protection, quality family time.

·             Tsilla (Debbie): depression

·             Ramon (Krinskys): prostate issues

·             Natan: PTSD – transition home will be easy and all will quickly “be on the same page”

·             Jordan (Les’a & Don): sailor went to Boot Camp 7/18 – prayer for him & his family.

·             PJ & Tracy: unspoken

·             Frank: traveling mercies and blessings on his travels

·             Kyle (Yvonne’s soldier son): heart to the Lord – heaviness of depression to lift.

·             Sylvia (Jeannette): passed away – prayer for family

·             Jim & Bobbie (Les’a): his side was crushed by falling load from a fork lift. Please pray for total healing & they can quickly find a place to move into.

·             Matthew (Frank): in rehab. Pray for deliverance and new friends.

·             Pamela & Norman: finances. That we ALL will be debt-free by 12/31/2012!

·             Debbie & Dennis (& us all!!): God will lead and guide our footsteps and use us to minister to others.

·             Another family reunion: joyous time of togetherness

·             Group in Yellowstone: prayer to break strongholds over the area.

·             Prayer for our soldiers: spiritually, mentally, physically, and emotionally whole!

·             Joe, Jim, John, Maxine: healing head-to-toe

·             New jobs: favor and wisdom

·             Mace Bravin: election for Pima County School Superintendent. That righteous men & women will be elected.

·             Cynthia: lawsuit against her parents and their food bank ministry. Pray suit will be dropped & healing will result.

·             Isabel Mercedes Celis (6-year old Tucson girl who was abducted April 21): pray for safety and return to her family.

Families (all of our families):

  • To be whole and walk in the ways of the Lord!
  • God to continue strengthening and building family relationships!
  • Josiah D: favor, protection & a heart like King David.
  • God would bring godly helpmates and partners in ministry: T (Les’a & Don’s friend & a man of God), Cynthia, etc.


  • Marita (in Israel): prayer for total healing from kidney stones. She does much for the Kingdom!
  • Hawkins (soldier friend of Natan’s who was hurt in explosion): Pray for healing, physical and emotional, for all him and all the soldiers.
  • Jeff & Paul (Paul & Lynn Mann): healing from knee surgeries.
  • Krys (Les’a’s co-worker’s husband): serious problems caused by Parkinson's.
  • Susie (Bonnie): from previous cervical fusion, one of the screws started migrating and was pushing at her esophagus threatening a puncture. Had surgery Thursday. Prayer for recovery and acceptance of Jesus.
  • Bud (Tracy’s father): 2 tumors, and another one that is pre-cancerous.
  • Bonnie: healing with oxygen levels.
  • Christopher & Liz (Maxine): she has ovarian cancer, resulting in financial problems. Pray for encouragement.
  • Bob & Pat (Maxine & Joe): healing.
  • Jeanne (Bonnie’s friend): stage 4 ovarian cancer. Salvation and healing with the understanding it was God Who healed her.
  • Rudy (Les’a’s friend): cracked skull resulting in major mental complications.

Call to Prayer intercessors:

  • Debt-free by the end of 2012!
  • Intercessors for The Call To Prayer: wisdom and tenacity to continue on to see victory!


  • Favor & wisdom in the work force: We would be excellent in the work place – even as Joseph, Daniel, etc. were – blessings to the companies because we are there!
  • Betty, Deb, Lori, and all those who not listed.
  • God will give them fulfilling & rewarding employment where they will have great favor!

Relationship with our Lord:

  • 5 grandchildren (Debbie & Dennis): to know the salvation and love of Yeshua.
  • Crystal Barton (Paul & Lynn Mann): in hospice – prayer for salvation decision. And strength for husband.
  • David (Bev & Ruben): his mom’s request “he quickly come to the end of himself and look up. Protection for him and all of his family.” Warfare is intense.
  • Keith (Dawn’s grandson): come to the God of his parents and grandmother


  • The hearts of Americans: turn to God! Our land will be healed.
  • Peace of Jerusalem!


  • Natan (Les’a and Don’s son and his family) & our soldiers:
  • Pray for wisdom, accuracy, and knowledge. God will bring them home whole: spiritually, mentally, physically, and emotionally. And God will be with their families.


  • God’s wisdom, power, anointing, and favor.


On the website are answers from year 1 of Call To Prayer