God has answered … and now it is critical that we act!

As believers, we must pray and fast for our country. And for Israel. (Remember, God will bless those who bless Israel; and the counter part is, He will curse those who curse the seed of Abraham.) The very survival of our country is dependent upon our supporting Israel, and on our following God’s precepts (regardless of our politically incorrect it might be to follow His ways).

Don’t you love His promises! Now this is the confidence we have before Him—that if we ask anything according to His will, He hears us. 15 And if we know that He hears us—whatever we ask—we know that we have the requests we have asked from Him.” 1John 5:14-15, TLV

And a favorite verse of many for God’s healing our country is 2Chron 7:14: when My people, over whom My Name is called, humble themselves and pray and seek My face and turn from their evil ways, then I will hear from heaven and will forgive their sin and will heal their land.”

Yes, we can be bold when we pray, because we know that we are praying according to His will for our country. And that HE will heal our land! But we must remember that we have a vital part. We must turn from our own wrongful ways, and we must pray and seek His face!

Challenge: Are we willing to pray and fast for our leaders? For the direction of our country?

PRAYER: Father, we thank You that You have made a way where there appeared to be none. You have intervened and revealed that which was hidden. We pray for Your protection for our countrymen, for our elected officials, for Israel. We pray for Your wisdom and guidance for us as individuals, for our elected leaders, for Israel’s leaders. We pray You will turn the hearts of Americans, of Israelis, of Believers to following You with passion. Thank You for allowing us to be alive for such a times as this! In the mighty Name of our soon-coming King and Messiah, we ask these things.

IMMEDIATE Prayer Requests:

  1. Israel’s safety will not be compromised
  2. USA: Wisdom for our leadership and their direction. Prayer for their safety.
  3. Healing!
  4. Total healing spiritual and physical for all we know and love!
  5. Brother (Tracy Robeson): family crisis.
  6. Howells: needed sale

Continuous Prayer:

  1. Pray for healing and direction of the US
  2. Pray for Israel!
  3. Protection of the persecuted church
  4. PRAYER FOR OUR SOLDIERS: spiritually, mentally, physically, and emotionally whole!

Read what He is doing through prayer!

  1. The fires have stopped in Israel!!!
  2. Denise: amazing visit with family
  3. God intervened in the elections.
  4. April: God opened new doors!
  5. Duane (Coles’ friend): miraculous recovery from stroke
  6. Rhonda’s & Colin’s surgeries went well
  7. Kerene: approval for new medicine!
  8. Tere got an excellent report from doc!
  9. Children are applying Scripture memory verses to their lives!
  10. VBS was terrific!
  11. Coles’ trips: amazing – thank you for your prayers!!
  12. Rhonda is receiving answers! We rejoice with her!