“Prepare the Way” in the new year

Prepare the WayBefore Passover, as well as prior to the fall High Holy Days, we spend time reflecting on our lives. We ask God to help us walk more uprightly before Him.  Many make resolutions on New Year’s. Setting new goals is good.

I feel it’s important to analyze our motives regarding New Year’s resolutions. Some shrug their shoulders and say, ‘I don’t make resolutions, because I never keep them.’ Do we say that because we are unhappy with who we are? I encourage us to meditate on the wonderful creation God made in each of us. HE created us – yes, each of us; He fashioned us for a very specific assignment. We were designed so that we would fulfill His destiny for not only us but also for those around us.

Once we meditate on who the LORD created to be, we may find there are areas we want to improve – to tune up the changes we began making during the fall festivals. This is good! We never want to become complacent with being status quo. In working to improve ourselves (physically, spiritually, mentally, and emotionally), we are preparing the way for the return of our Messiah. Each day, our LORD gives us many little – and big – opportunities to reflect Him in our words and in our actions. Do we allow the storms of life to overwhelm us? Or, are we able to get out of ourselves and look at the hurting people around us? So many people are concerned and troubled by their current circumstances. He wants us to be ready to speak a word or to pray for those whose lives cross ours.

I was very touched by a young Israeli musician Shai Sol who boldly declared she was Messianic (click on link to read more about this remarkable woman). She was advised prior to the competition that she would not be taken seriously if she declared her faith. (The Israeli Kohav Haba (meaning The Rising Star) competition is similar to American Idol.) In the pre-audition interview when she was asked what was Messianic Judaism, she responded that “It is a stream of Judaism… We light Shabbat candles and worship God, read the Scriptures and learn the Bible,” replied Shai. She also noted that the one major difference with mainstream Judaism is that “we believe in both the Tanakh and the New Testament…” And when she asked if that means Messianic Jews celebrate Christmas, Shai stated, “Absolutely not. We celebrate only the Jewish festivals. This is not Christianity, this is Messianic Judaism. After all, Yeshua was a Jew.”

Shai Sol is a young lady who walked in wisdom from on High…and she scored a spot in the 2nd round of the competition.

Just as Isaiah and John the Baptist declared “prepare the way of the LORD,” so we also need to prepare the way for His 2nd coming by walking in His precepts in love. We need to be ready to speak a word, give an encouragement, or pray for those who are in need.


“Thank You LORD for continually orchestrating the chessboard pieces of our lives. We love watching how YOU move on so many levels in our lives at one time. Help us never to expect Your interventions, but to thrill with each. We pray for those who are struggling. Touch them – bring them encouragement, bring Believers across their paths. Thank You for bold, strong young believers like Shai Sol; give her much favor! Bring Your peace to Your city, Jerusalem. Be with our country – turn our hearts to YOU! In the holy Name of our Messiah Yeshua, we pray.”

 IMMEDIATE Prayer Requests:  

  1. Pray for Israel!
  2. Protection of the persecuted church.
  3. Pray for the emotional turmoil of many around us.
  4. Prayer for wisdom and favor as we encounter suffering people.
  5. Connie: healing and a good report from doctor
  6. Phyllis DeLacio: encouragement after death of her brother
  7. Pregnant daughter (Debbie in Houston): prayer that complications will absolve and that baby and mother will be healthy
  8. Marita (Israel): health
  9. Cynthia (who’s relocated to Louisiana, near family): favor for a job, healing for her sister, godly relationships
  10. PJ: total body healing.
  11. Jobs: Pamela, Norman G., PJ, Natan and his new military assignment.
  13. REVIVAL in Arizona
  14. FRIENDS: many of our friends are hurting physically and emotionally.
  15. FAMILIES & MARRIAGES: strong, healthy and Christ-centered; spiritual, mental, and emotional healing. God will bring families together. Spirit of division will cease. Family relationships healed! Family members who are far off will return and serve God.
  16. PRAYER FOR OUR SOLDIERS: spiritually, mentally, physically, and emotionally whole!
  17. Protection of believers all over the world.
  18. Encouragement for the heavy-hearted
  19. Paul: total restoration including walking.