Tools for Answered Prayer

Pray focus week 5 (Sunday-Shabbat)

We have seen amazing answersto our corporate prayers: family members have made contact, physical and emotional healings both personally and within families have begun, surgeries have been very successful, favor has been evidenced at work, JJ’s birth (this week, he even held his preemie bottle…and his due date isn’t for another week!!) etc. It is very exciting to meditate on these wonderful answers – however, we are in battle. Now is the time, as Lori put it, “to put our shoulders back and to press in! Victory is His!!!” And He has called us to participate – to be Watchmen and intercessors.
On the surface, while this week’s focus may appear simple – it is critical for us to continue our preparedness training for being members of His special ops!
·         Sunday: read the portion on the Armor of God. Be aware the enemy is going to attack. He will attack in any area of weakness.
·         SundaythruTuesday: read and meditate on page one of the attachment.
·         Wednesday: fill out the petition.
·         WednesdaythruThursday: fast. To get the most out of this week of Boot Camp, fast – give up a favorite food or drink for those two days.
·         Thursday thru Shabbat:read and meditate on page two of the attachment.
This week’s focusis done by a good friend of ours (actually she is the one who created our logo). Marita’s name may sound familiar to you: she is the one who we are praying will be able to return to Israel. She lived in Israel for 17 years and has a desire to spend the rest of her life interceding. Though she was born South African, she immigrated to the U.S. 40 years ago and loves both of her adopted countries: the US and Israel. She is a member of our Wall of Payer and wrote the attachment for our Prayer Focus. I encourage you to read it. Meditate on the words – and Scriptures. Fill out the Petition.
Interesting note:we have sensed God is readying us. Last night, I asked Don what his topic would be for today: Spiritual Warfare. Interestingly, I had decided a couple of days before that this week would be the time for Marita’s Tools for Answered Prayer. God is moving!!!!!!
“Father, thank YOU that You are moving – that You are readying Your body. We pray that we will gird up our loins and that we will stand strong. Help us – show us how we not just endure but be Your special ops and overcome the enemy. Bless each of the precious Watchmen – bring Your touch of healing to all those in need – touch and heal Fred (give Bonnie wisdom and strength), bless Rohit’s family, heal his mom. Satan, we curse you, in the Name of Jesus – we command that these generational curses halt now, in Jesus’ Name. We call you the liar that you are – you will not deceive us and we will not fear you – for our Lord has not given us a spirit of fear, but of love, of power, and a sound mind. Jesus, we love you. In Your precious Name, we bring these petitions before You.”
Don’t forget to email me answers and insights the Lord gives you this week.