What defines you?

Who are we? We’re moms, dads, spouses, or children. We’re tall or short. We’re from a particular place. Most of us have job titles; Which of these descriptions defines us? Does success, or  tragedies, or illnesses define us? It is natural for us to categorize someone or ourselves according to a circumstance, attribute, or a physical characteristic. Butno reason to look back when you have so much to look forward to do any of these accurately define who we really are?

G-d’s Word tells us that that we are created in His image, which is not an image of failure but an image of perfection. ( “So God created mankind [us!] in His own image,” Gen 1:27a NIV.) In the Apostolic Scriptures, Paul further enhances the mental image of who we really are when he explains that we are G-d’s masterpiece!  (“For we are God’s masterpiece. He has created us anew in Christ Jesus,” Eph 2:10 a and b, NLT.)

We need to meditate on “who” G-d has created us to be, rather than on issues. We were not created out of inferior parts, but were formed in His own perfect image and likeness. WOW! Isn’t that powerful!

Recently I met a woman who has had many physical on-going sufferings throughout her life. Cancer 5 times, a depilating chronic auto immune disease, etc. She explained that her husband loves her for “who” she is, not for ”what she doesn’t have”. Amazing man. I never would have suspected this woman had any health challenges at all. In the months we’ve worked together, I’ve constantly witnessed a positive, upbeat, and fun person. Ever since this remarkable woman shared her heath issues with me, my heart has been troubled because of all she has to endure on a daily basis. At the same time, I’ve also been very touched by her sunny outlook on life.  She told me that she has chosen not to allow health tragedies to define who she is! The more I’ve meditated on her response to her life, the more I see how easy it is to become petty over little insignificances.  I encourage us all to allow the magnitude of her problems and her response to these circumstances to sink into our consciousness.  Are we going to allow problems, offenses, hurts, physical weaknesses, or even successes to define who we really are?

ACTION PLAN: Let’s not look back to circumstances in our lives, but let’s focus on what He says. Because we are His prized possession whom He created with a divine purpose. Tragedy will no longer define who we are, rather His Word will.

“Father, we thank You for Your intervention into our lives. Help us to focus on who You and Your Word say that we are. Help us not to let circumstances define us. With expectancy we look forward to the next step You are leading us to. Thank You for being a good G-d, a god who loves us so much that You sent Your son to die on the cross for us. We love You, L-rd. Heal our land and bring Your divine peace to J’lem. In the holy Name of the Messiah, Yeshua, we ask these things.”

IMMEDIATE Prayer Requests:  

  1. Pray for Israel!
  2. Protection of the persecuted church.
  3. Pray for America.
  4. Attack on our loved ones to be broken and stopped.
  5. Phyllis (Pamela’s friend) heart surgery
  6. Connie: surgery – total healing!
  7. Donna: recovery from surgery
  8. Jim: recovery knee replacement surgery, healing. That he will be pain-free.
  9. Tere: healing and wisdom in direction
  10. Deb: victory and direction!!!
  11. Paul Mann: total restoration.
  12. 2-year old Grandson (Mary & Joe Benton): healing miracle! Tumor to shrink. Be able to be airlifted to the US.
  13. Mandie & others (Dawn’s family): drawing closer to the L-rd
  14. Rachel (Pamela’s friend): liver transplant and healing